theo said:
Everyone knows that Google makes their money on Android by collecting ALOT of personal data about its users.
The same for IoS and probably windows 10 aswell (though according to the EULA it seems to be a far cry from the other two).
As a retired Apple software engineer, I can assure you that Apple doesn't make money from selling user data. Apple makes its money selling hardware and is more adamant about user privacy than either Google or Microsoft. I don't know what Microsoft does with user data these days, but the insecurity of its operating systems and software, in general, has allowed huge amounts of user data to be stolen. The Internet would be much more secure if Windows and Internet Explorer were not so popular around the world.
theo said:
Its far easier to program for a set hardware configuration, like consoles or apples PCs than it is for your software to be compatible with almost all configurations of hardware.
True. This is why developing only the software but not the hardware results in so many problems.
theo said:
Noone would be dumb enough to even think that OS X is nearly as stable or versatile as Windows.
Lots of people are smart enough to know that a Unix OS like OS X is much more stable than Windows. Unix has been refined by university computer scientists longer than Microsoft has even been a company. Unix was written with networking built in unlike Windows which until the 1990's required 3rd-party add-ons to implement Windows networking. This legacy has resulted Windows suffering from poor network, and thus Internet, security. Windows needs to be scrapped and rewritten from the bottom up with security as a top priority.
Microsoft used its near-monopoly control of the OS market to emphasize making money over improving its OS. All Windows had to be was "good enough" because it had no real competition due to Microsoft's stranglehold over hardware vendors and Windows users. People don't forget this and are happy to finally have a good alternative to Windows. WP is suffering as a result. PC sales, except for Macs, have been falling for years.
theo said:
1. Very few are updating in comparison, a lot of OSx users are on far older versions than the latest
As I33t pointed out, you are seriously out of touch. Upgrades to OS X have been free for many years unlike Windows, so Mac users tend to update as long as their hardware supports the update. I'm typing this post on a 2008 MacBook that is running the latest version of OS X with no problems which would be unusual for Windows.
theo said:
2. Very very few people really use OS X - even less in real used time.
If you include iOS with OS X since iOS is derived from OS X, and concede that many computer users have abandoned desktops and laptops for tablets and smartphones, the numbers of iOS and OS X users is not trivial as you suggest. The growth curve favors iOS and OS X over Windows at this point with no reason to believe that this will change soon.
theo said:
3. If something goes wrong, there is a support that loves making money on that problem at apple hq.
Not sure what you mean by this. If your Apple product is not working as expected and you live near one of the many Apple Stores in the world, you can take it into a store where you would get free support. But the good news is that Apple hardware and software are much more reliable and much less troublesome than Windows or Windows PC's, so less support is needed.
theo said:
With those no. BMW should think twice about alienating that platform....
Until WP becomes more popular, BMW doesn't need to be too worried.