I did some experimentation early on in my 2017, using blankets any towels over the cargo floor. I found it didn't make a difference.
There was a distinct difference with the seats up versus folded down to and also with the carpeted floor liner out. I've also driven with the whole motor compartment open and it's unbearably loud.
There's a bit of room for some insulation on the underside of the metal motor bay cover in the BEV. In the REX, it available space seems constrained. It would need to be exterior-rated insulation as the underside of the cover it exposed despite being in a protected space.
I've got to admit that I must have become accustom to the whine — it was never bad with the seats up, just noticable, but I tuned it out after awhile, and my kids never complained, and they have better high frequency hearing than my old ears.
Upon switching from the 2017 to a 2021, I believe it's quieter — not through better insulation, because I saw no difference, so maybe through better bearings in the motor and gearbox?