Noises from dashboard and driver side ventilation grill

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Sep 13, 2023

When the weather is cold I have 2 noises coming from the dashboard of my i3.
I would to know if anyone else already had these and know how to fix them.

First noise is coming from the driver side ventilation grill (the one near the door), when putting a finger on its frame the noise stops, I guess putting a piece of foam under it should fix the noise as the part isn’t tightly fitted but I didn’t find any info on how to remove it.

Second noise is more complex to find and happens only since this winter and I can’t find precisely from where it comes, it makes a kind of « tic » noise when the car is on bad roads, it sounds a little bit like when something is not sticking well and when pushing on it, it sticks again then unsticks itself right when we release it and makes that noise.
It comes from an area near the steering wheel, sounds like it might be near the instruments cluster or on the side of the column, but I wasn’t able to reproduce it when the car is not driven.

I noticed the glass of the instrument cluster isn’t adhering correctly on the right lower corner but it doesn't make any noise and I’ve to see if the Premium Selection warranty would cover it (German warranty, if anyone has any info about it).

First noise is coming from the driver side ventilation grill (the one near the door), when putting a finger on its frame the noise stops, I guess putting a piece of foam under it should fix the noise as the part isn’t tightly fitted but I didn’t find any info on how to remove it.
This video shows how to remove the ventilation grill and what to try to eliminates squeaks, rattles, buzzes, etc., from that area.
Second noise is more complex to find and happens only since this winter and I can’t find precisely from where it comes, it makes a kind of « tic » noise when the car is on bad roads, it sounds a little bit like when something is not sticking well and when pushing on it, it sticks again then unsticks itself right when we release it and makes that noise.
It comes from an area near the steering wheel, sounds like it might be near the instruments cluster or on the side of the column, but I wasn’t able to reproduce it when the car is not driven.
There were reports early on of noises from the steering column in cold weather. Lubrication fixed these noises. However, this doesn't seem like what you're hearing.
Thanks for the video that's exactly what I needed.
I looked at the posts about the steering column noises, it doesn't seems to be the same noise.
I don't know if there's a link with the noise I'm hearing but I had adjusted the steering column differently since last year.