cmj912 said:
1) where does one put one's KEY. If you throw it on the seat, you might forget it. In my pocket, if you move around the buttons press and it like opens the hatch!
2) juice boxes/larger bottles/snacks?
3) trashbag/bin holder?
4) ID organiser...(i.e. - I have a card I have to get out and tap to get into two different parking lots. I have my Chargepoint cards, my door ID for work...
This is what i have so far:
1) Links if you have a 3D Printer:
-iPhone 6/s Holder (Both with and without case models will be included in the link):
--iPhone 6/s Plus Holder (Both with and without case models will be included in the link)(These haven't been tested with a phone, I just used dimensions off Apple's website):
-Simple Sunglass Hook:
-Key Holder:
2) Links if you don't have a 3D Printer and need to purchase. (Again, I'm not making any money using this site. It's just how much they charge for the service. If anyone has a cheaper site let me know).
-iPhone 6/s Holder (If you're not using a case on your phone):…/Q8MFTQHQA/bmw-i3-iphone-6-holder
-iPhone 6/s Holder (If you are using the standard Apple case on your phone):…/3…/bmw-i3-iphone-6-s-case-holder
Stay tuned, still working on & refining more designs.