My wife finally got to do an extended test drive. The dealer I was working with initially was making it difficult to get a test car, mainly because they were using their demo i3's as service loaners instead of reserving them for test drives. We finally went to another dealer, who immediately gave us a new (non-demo) car from their inventory to try out. That car had the Giga World and Technology packages, plus heated seats (which we didn't need).
As I said when I started this thread, my wife's commute is 60 miles round trip, all highway. The dealer who loaned us the car is 30 miles away in the other direction, all highway. My wife drive the i3 home from the dealer, then I drove it for about 5 miles on local roads (no highway). The battery was only partially charged when we picked up the car, but enough to avoid the Rex kicking in. We charged at home for about 13 hours overnight, which got the battery to about 85%. My wife commuted the next day, no problem making the 60 miles on battery alone, with some charge left to spare. Charged overnight for 14 hours, again reaching about 85%. The next day my wife drove the 30 miles to work, then 60 miles from there back to the dealer to return the car. The Rex didn't kick in until about 45 miles into the return trip, meaning my wife got about 75 miles on battery alone, even though the battery wasn't completely charged. My wife was driving about 75mph on average. So, battery range was more than enough, partly because we live in South FL, where the temperature is usually within the ideal operating range (77-104 F, according to BMW), although it's been quite a bit cooler than that lately.
My wife is sold on the i3, so I'm doing my homework to get ready to lease one. I was originally considering the Owner's Choice program as one option, because I could claim the entire $7500 tax credit, but then I realized the extra sales tax I would have to pay would offset the most of the additional credit, so I'll stick to a lease. Once we get the car, I'll buy a home charger (not the BMW one) so we can charge the car in 3-4 hours.