Coding the i3

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ultraturtle said:
i3atl said:
Both of these have been "done" via coding for several weeks.
Nice! Please post a link.

The info is in the Facebook group - it's only one setting that needs to be changed in order to enable the REx/SoC (on a BEV) menu.

We haven't figured out yet how to get SoC in the instrument cluster (despite there being a setting for it), but you can set the above screen to one of the 1-8 buttons so that monitoring SoC is easy and quick.
i3atl said:
Take a look at the files with "coding" in the title.

You must log in to continue.

Can someone unlock the facebook group or repost the information here please?
I33t said:
i3atl said:
Take a look at the files with "coding" in the title.

You must log in to continue.

Can someone unlock the facebook group or repost the information here please?

You could just create an account to access the group - you don't even have to add any friends or use your real name.

It would be difficult to post all of the info here, as the discussion is ongoing.
Finally got everything together - cable, windows laptop (cheap $200 one as I'm a MAC guy), Software, and Token. So along with this gear, I followed some of the expreience of folks on the BMW i3 facebook page and was successful in enabling the REx hold state of charge mode. I didn't change anything else while coding. The only other change I might do is auto folding mirrors upon hitting fob lock button (as I do this manually right now).

As this is already built into the software of the car and I am just toggling it on along with the fact that I do not reside in a CARB state make me feel a bit more comfortable in turning this on.

One thing I noticed is that all my preset buttons got cleared out when I made the update - have others found this too?
DHP said:
One thing I noticed is that all my preset buttons got cleared out when I made the update - have others found this too?
Yes, I export each profile to USB prior to coding, then import it back afterward. Some buttons still need to be re-programmed manually, though.
noxon said:
Yeah, I hate to say it, but it appears to be a better resource than this forum in many ways. Too bad it's Facebook.

I agree, I would like to try this, but I will never give a penny to Zuckerberg/Facebook. Looks like I will end up paying a local tuner to do it for me instead, at least the money will stay and be spent locally.......
Keep in mind that a factory software upgrade often (not always, depends on what is updated) will change anything you may have tweaked, and if you don't do it yourself, you may end up paying to have it done multiple times over the life of the car.
Screw Facebook. Never touch the thing.

Here are the register locations for disabling the seatbelt warning:

/CAF [ACSM-4l]
/SEATBELT_REMINDER_FAHRER (seatbelt reminder, driver)


/SBR_PREWARNING_FAHRER (warning at startup, driver)
/SBR_PREWARNING_FAHRER (warning at startup, passenger)

In the process of disabling these, the door-open gong has also vanished, which is fine with me. If either of the doors are open, a text warning shows in the lower left corner of the LCD dash display, but no more gong.
/3000 HMI

This puts the choice to enable / disable the drive-away locking into the iDrive, as our European friends have in their iDrive by default.
/3001 EXBOX

I originally set the LEGAL_DISCLAIMERTIME value (WERTE) from 0D to 00 hoping that would make it go away. It succeeded temporarily, but the warning came back the next day. I re-read the WERTE register and found a value of 0A. I suspect there is a minimum value stored somewhere which overrides the time value if it is too low. I then disabled the whole setting by changing the status from AKTIV to KEIN_ID, and that did the trick. No more annoying disclaimer every time I turn the car on.
with all the comments, problems, and complaints: were the dealers able to solve all or
most all of the problems??

If you could turn back your i3 with a tiny penalty would you and wait a few more
years for all the improvements ?
dlass0123 said:
with all the comments, problems, and complaints: were the dealers able to solve all or
most all of the problems??

If you could turn back your i3 with a tiny penalty would you and wait a few more
years for all the improvements ?

dlass0123 said:
with all the comments, problems, and complaints: were the dealers able to solve all or
most all of the problems??

If you could turn back your i3 with a tiny penalty would you and wait a few more
years for all the improvements ?

Nope. I haven't had any problems, though.
TMSsilent said:
Screw Facebook. Never touch the thing.

Here are the register locations for disabling the seatbelt warning:

Thank you TMsilent. I'm not joining facebook to learn to code my BMW (if I decide to) either.

I have no problem with people joining FB, that is their decision. Locking up information behind a third party commercial internet organisation is pretty dumb though.
I33t said:
Thank you TMsilent. I'm not joining facebook to learn to code my BMW (if I decide to) either.

I have no problem with people joining FB, that is their decision. Locking up information behind a third party commercial internet organisation is pretty dumb though.
It was suggested that they move the content/discussion here or to another forum, but it continued over there for whatever reason.

Either way, I'm not sure why there's such resistance to joining FB with what can effectively be an anonymous account, vs joining a forum like this (also a "third party commercial internet organisation"), whose income is also provided by advertisements. There's no upfront fee for either.