Kia Ora!
FYI: The i3 started to go on sale here in Auckland, New Zealand, in November 2014. It's not yet had any advertising campaign, but my local guy (they're called "BMW Genius" when they are assigned to manage the i3 and i8 cars) tells me they've sold around 25 cars so far - a small but enthusiastic following. It may interest this forum to know that BMW New Zealand absolutely declined to bring in BEVs - the ONLY available model in New Zealand is the i3 with R-ex. That's the only limitation though! The BMW genius has even had one of his customers ask for the R-ex to be retro-unfitted! Apparently that's not do-able - but if that person joins this forum they may enquire as to that one.
I ordered mine 21st March 2015, it was built in Leipzig in April, loaded onto the vessel 'Endurance' on 3rd May, and it's arriving in Auckland on 13th June! Track and trace is good fun. Huge anticipation, cannot wait, etc etc. Very similar feelings to other forum members judging by the posts so far.
As far as I can see I'm the first member of this forum based in New Zealand. I went for the i3 for all the usual reasons and discovered this forum in hindsight - so to speak - so thanks for setting it up! I only do around 100kms per week with commuting 25-30km max per day - ideal conditions for BEVs. I feel very well educated about the i3 now. JUST GOTTA GET IT IN THE GARAGE!!! Pickup around 20th June. Not that I'm counting the days.
Last issue: EVSE range seems to be quite limited here in New Zealand. Much research has led me to suspect I'll have to go for the BMW Wallbox Pure if I want to get 32amp charging (which, even though I admittedly - given commuting distances- don't need, I want. A classic case of what my older brother calls "upgrade-itis"). Lower amperage EVSEs are available here but the 40+amp Clipper Creek and Juicebox EVSEs for example are not yet configured to the NZ Grid. Something about spilt-phase topology. Drat. Only other option is a 7kW Electrobay - waiting to hear from the local guy regarding that option.
Anyhow - I'm that much closer to being born electric since the start of this post. Hooray!
Capparis White, 20" wheels, Suite interior (leather and wood = ? "Tera" to North Americans) and sun-protection glazing. R-ex for reasons as above.
2009 Toyota Corolla (for 3 more weeks)
1998 Toyota Corona
1990 BMW 325i manual 4-door
1989 BMW 320i A4
1983 Audi GT Coupe