spontaneous window and sunroof opening

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Dec 3, 2023
This has now happened twice on my 2021 120 REX. I wake up in the morning to find that the windows and sunroof have spontaneously opened during the night or early in the morning. The two times it happened the conditions were identical. It was sitting in my driveway with the charger plugged in the night before and windows and sunroof closed. I wake up to a fully charged car and with windows and sunroof open. Fortunately, it was not raining. Any ideas? This is strange
The most common reason is that one of the car keys has been placed somewhere where the "open door" button is pressed, and stays pressed in for ~10s or more. This causes the car to be unlocked, the windows to be rolled down and the sunroof fully opened. The car should then auto re-lock if no doors are opened, but the windows and sunroof will stay open.

Unfortunately the design of the key is not great in this respect. You can reduce the tendency for this to happen by buying and fitting one of the key covers that has a lip at the front edge - this makes it much harder for the button to be inadvertently pressed.