stumbledotcom said:
Yes, I noticed the behavior change after the update that reduced the brake regen level in general. I believe multiple, severe bumps now causes the regen to cut out completely. Part of the effort to make it "easier" for the average, inattentive driver. Many poorly-trained drivers unconsciously lift off the accelerator when hitting rough pavement. They're used to the coasting action of a typical ICE car. With the i3's original behavior, brake regen would cause a significant slow down. Now the regen momentarily drops completely so the car coasts over rough pavement. The action probably isn't noticeable to most on level streets.
But there's one situation in particular where this change is for the worse. Driving down an incline, decelerating as you approach a full stop intersection. If you cross a rough patch just before the stop, the car will suddenly surge forward as the regen cuts out. The only solution is to jump on the friction brake. I hit several of these scenarios each day here in San Francisco since we have plenty of significant hills, badly broken/patched pavement, and a stop sign or traffic light nearly every block. This programming change has made the i3's driving dynamics unpredictable and one-pedal driving more difficult for me.
I complained to the BMW i Genius line a few days after having the updates applied to my car. They claimed their software release notes didn't include a reference to brake regen changes so they'd consult with the engineers and get back to me. Never heard anything else of course.
Ok, i was about to start a post on this but it looks like i'm not alone.
The problem i'm having here is not only with the braking, but also with accelerating. (I go over a few train tracks on my way to and from work, 5 sets to be more exact).
If i am stepping on it, and go over a bump where it lifts up a little, it cuts the acceleration completely (lets it "cruise" for a couple seconds) - this is also dangerous because the guy behind me expect me to keep accelerating (I live near Chicago, all drivers here have a screw loose), but instead acceleration drops to 0. This makes you get your foot off the acceleration for a second, and since there is no regenerative braking either, when the regenerative braking kicks back on, car slows down. At that point you slowed down twice before accelerating.
If anyone has a solution for this please let me know. I will be experimenting with traction control off for a few more days to see if i can get this behavior to change at all.
I'm also open to coding changes as I've coded plenty of features on the car already.
And to stumbledotcom's note about dangerous situations, i have something similar - train tracks right before a light. If light turns red, my foot automatically is lifted off the acceleration. If i do this before the train tracks, as i cross the tracks, regen cuts out and car approaches intersection at higher speed than desired. If there are cars in front of me, it's quite a scare, as that one extra second of braking can make the whole difference between crashing and not crashing into the car in front of you. Off course, i have learned this over the course of driving, so now i approach situations like this with more caution. Still, it's something that needs to be addressed.