oh and this is CEO of OCTOPUS [email protected]
I had the car in 2014 and there were no variable time of use tariffs such as exist now with IOG. There were night storage heater tariffs known as Econony 7 and Economy 12. I had to argue to get that from Scottish Power as their first question was “Do you have storage heaters? No? Then why do you want this?” Was 6p for midnight to 7am. The car charged in 3 hours so the battery was full well before the end of the tariff period. So no I don’t attach any negative criticism to BMW for this simple API command set.Even ten years ago, you would think that they would have been able to conceive of the idea of someone charging at home, using a time of use special tariff? Possibly a tariff that allows the energy supplier to dynamically move charge slots around? Even 10 years ago, I don't think that idea would have been radical. But BMW were not forward-thinking enough to include the commands necessary in the command set of their API? To me it seems hard to fathom - perhaps to others it seems obvious that they wouldn't have thought about it.
I applaud the effort but….Herewith my email just sent to Octopus & BMW UK, please feel free to add, change, copy etc, you will be surprised what a number of emails to the CEO will do, please all do same
Dear BMW & Octopus,
BMW EV Charging Fault
I will refer you to just ONE forum link ( https://www.mybmwi3.com/threads/oct...11-13&utm_content=daily_newsletter#post-82111 ) regarding the problems that a huge amount of BMW owners are having charging their vehicles at a set time/schedule, using OCTOPUS (and maybe other Electricity providers?).
It is an extremely widespread issue that has severe implications to our finances and battery health, and as of yet no one has taken reasonability, admitted the fault or most importantly its seems have taken no action to rectify it!?
In-short, I set my EV charger as a dumb terminal, I set my BMW (i3) app to charge immediately and I set-up OCTOPUS INTELLIGENT (OI) to dictate the times and maximum charge level. This has been working 99% of the time since I installed it, but from several weeks ago there is now no rhyme and reason to the charge pattern at all, it's completely ad-hoc & random, 'haywire' is probably a better description.
I am having to literally stay awake until the early hours so my car charges off-peak and not to 100%, and indeed stays charging so I can get to work, you have to admit that this is totally unacceptable?
I have contacted Octopus on numerous occasions, I am disappointed with the lack of support and very slow responses, the one reply I did receive stated that they were not able to receive the location from my BMW i3, although it is in the same place and showing correctly in the BMW app.
For the record I have also on several occasions reset, uninstalled and re-installed OI, BMW app & EV Charger + App.
Rumour is that this problem is something to do with BMW making a change recently which will not allow OI to have access ?
Whatever the cause, it is widespread and it is having a detrimental effect on so many people, PLEASE, can this receive the URGENT attention it now requires ?
Kind Regards,
Elobarate, are you saying IO (Intellegient Octopus) has been charging correctly and still is or there has been a problem charging using IO?Just for information.
I have spoken to my colleague who has a 120Ah i3. He has a zappi. When he switch to octopus he set up the zappi to charge his car direct. So Octopus controls the zappi and has never had access to his BMWid or the i3 charge schedule.
Guess what?
He just checked his ‘Vehicle Information’ ‘Remote History’ is…..
As @mojo has described Intelligent octopus is working perfectly for my colleague via the registered device being the zappi. He has never registered the i3 with Octopus. He has no random profile messages recorded in Remote History. So…..that implies that using Octopus Intelligent Go with a wall charger doesn’t cause this problem.Elobarate, are you saying IO (Intelligent Octopus) has been charging correctly and still is or there has been a problem charging using IO?
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