Need a new nose for my i3

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Oct 5, 2023
Do I try and fix this myself or insurance claim?

We have relatives visiting from Canada with no rental car, so my i3 was made available for them to use. Day one they crash into two concrete planters at a strip mall. The car was parked, put in Drive (thought it was reverse) and hit the pedal. The car went over the curb striking the right planter with the passenger side of the bumper cover and then struck the left planter with driver side of bumper cover and stopped. The car drives fine, everything except for a malfunction of the acoustic pedestrian protection - works in reverse but not in drive.

It appears so far that the damage is between the fenders and under and in front of the frunk.

- bumper cover, white
- bumper trim, white
- bumper cover, black
- turn signal lamp

I have identified the visible parts that need replacement. Do not know what else is behind them that needs replacing. So, what am I getting into? I am capable to a point with auto repair, just need to know when to say when. My first thought is to repair it myself and keep the episode away from insurance company and CarFax type of report. I have a $1K deductible and no previous claims. The parts that I see that need replacing cost just under $1K, two of them need to be painted which will cost $350. - $500. Is the repair fairly straightforward? Should I attempt this or bite the bullet and have insurance fix it?


The front section is supported by two structures referred to as "top front support with deformation element" and "bottom front support with deformation element". If they are significantly damaged they will need replacing.
Can I see if they are damaged by removing the cover underneath the front? Or does the bumper cover have to come off to find out? If they are damaged, are they hard to replace?
You need to get the DIRECT LINK to the image that usually ends in .JPG
You are trying to link to a web page. I'm not familiar with the web host or app you are using so I can't tell you how to make it work there.

I can see the photos if I open them in a new window though.

I use to host pics that I link to here.

This is the link you are posting:

you might as well just post the link directly rather than try to make it show up in your comment. I can just click on the link to load the pic.