Leftover i3s lease for <$100/mo to employees

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user 1096

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2014
Albany, NY USA
Recently, I was told that BMWNA blew out their remaining '14 i3s for two-year leases at less than $100/mo for employees and dealer employees. That's certainly their prerogative and a good way to get them on the street in dealership markets across the country. I wonder if those leases can be assumed by a third party....
I'm not an employee but the local dealership was also blowing out their 2014 i3 inventory with some sweet deals. With a greatly reduced price and the state and Fed tax incentives and a little money down, got into my i3 2 weeks ago for $150/mo. for 2 years, 20K mile limit. They say it's not a lease (short-term purchase?) but it sure smells like a lease. At the end of 2 years, throw the keys on the table and walk out, or pay a balloon pmt (not called a residual) of $30K-something, or refinance to keep the car. So far I love the car but I figure that in 2 years there will be a lot more plug-in variety, both from BMW and other marques, that the balloon pmt will be highly negotiable.
tartsnoob said:
At the end of 2 years, throw the keys on the table and walk out

Be sure to throw down the federal $7500 rebate check with the keys, since they likely "flexed" that amount to get you down to the low payment.