Coding the i3

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alohart said:
3pete said:
Just to confirm-- is your desired setup the same as what you had before?
Yes. Side mirrors fold when the doors are locked but don't unfold when the doors are unlocked. That worked on our 2014 and 2019 i3's until my recent update to the November, 2022, system software.

3pete said:
Specifically, I'm wondering if BMW tied "Lock=fold and Unlock=unfold" as a single option instead of "Lock=fold" and "Unlock=unfold" as discrete settings. If you already had it the way you want it now, they must be discrete.
That's certainly a possibility. The behavior I prefer likely isn't a very popular behavior, so it might make sense to combine folding and unfolding into a single parameter.

In the body domain controller (BDC), this causes the side mirrors to fold when the doors are locked using Comfort Access:

3056->KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_PA: set to active

Komfortschließung translates as "comfort closing". But what's "PA"? describes a side mirror as an "outside mirror" (Außenspiegel). I don't see any association with "PA".

There is also 3056->KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB which I believe controls the closing of the windows when the doors are locked. I don't know what "FB" means. Window is "Fenster" which at least has the same first letter as "FB".

3056->KOMFORTOEFFNUNG_FB might control the opening of the windows when the doors are unlocked. But I can't find 3056->KOMFORTOEFFNUNG_PA which might control the opening of the mirrors when the doors are unlocked.

I will continue my search and maybe ask the BimmerCode developer for help.

3pete said:
If you took a backup in Bimmercode prior to the update, I wonder if there is a way to compare that to your current settings...
BimmerCode did make a backups of my previous settings. I could try to restore the settings to the most recent backup prior to the recent software update. However, I'm concerned that the backups might be valid only with the same BDC software version (i.e., if the software has been updated, backups of previous versions would be invalid). I know that with E-sys, a compatible PSdZ data file must be included. It seems like this PSdZ data file contains mappings of the coding parameters to positions within a data structure which change with each system software update. However, all of this is beyond my knowledge, so I'm just trying to be careful not to mess something up.

I got a chance to play around a bit with it today. Unfortunately the backup files aren't easily readable (to me, at least).

However, even in non-expert bimmercode it appears the fold and unfold actions are separated which is good news.

I tried turning "fold mirrors with convenient closing" to "active" with (both???) "Unfold mirrors with convenient opening" set to "Not active" and it appears to work the way you want.

3pete said:
However, even in non-expert bimmercode it appears the fold and unfold actions are separated which is good news.

I tried turning "fold mirrors with convenient closing" to "active" with (both???) "Unfold mirrors with convenient opening" set to "Not active" and it appears to work the way you want.
Hmm, did I just go straight to Expert Mode without looking at standard mode? Maybe. Thanks for this tip. I'll take a look. I'm feeling confident. Thanks!
Having recoded my 2021 BEV with Bimmercode after the car's first scheduled maintenance I wanted to share a few thoughts...

"Comfort Access" has always seemed to me to be the ability of the car to unlock when a key fob is close to the car when pulling on a door handle to open or pressing on a door handle's ribbed area to lock.

"Comfort Closing" was the term used with my 2014 BEV and I had coded it on so I could press and hold on my fob's BMW roundel to close all windows.

In coding my 2021 BEV I noticed that the term was changed to "Convenient Closing". When I coded it on I found that holding the fob's roundel for a few seconds would first close both front windows, then the sunroof, and finally fold the mirrors.

I don't recall descending into Expert Mode to set this up.
frictioncircle said:
"Comfort Closing" was the term used with my 2014 BEV and I had coded it on so I could press and hold on my fob's BMW roundel to close all windows.

In coding my 2021 BEV I noticed that the term was changed to "Convenient Closing".
I noticed that change in the English translation as well. Iʻm guessing that "convenient" is a more appropriate translation of "komfort" in this context than "comfort" would be. Being able to unlock/lock the doors by touching the door handle is more convenient than comfortable.
3pete said:
However, even in non-expert bimmercode it appears the fold and unfold actions are separated which is good news.

I tried turning "fold mirrors with convenient closing" to "active" with (both???) "Unfold mirrors with convenient opening" set to "Not active" and it appears to work the way you want.
I am surprised that the current iOS version doesn't have the same non-expert mode options as your Android version. This is the iOS list:

Convenient opening (not active)
Convenient opening with remote control (not active)
Convenient opening delay (2.5 seconds)
Convenient opening delay rear windows (0.5 seconds)
Convenient opening delay sunroof
Convenient closing (active)
Convenient closing with remote control (not active)
Convenient closing with Comfort Access (active)
Convenient closing delay (no delay)
Convenient closing delay front windows (0.5 seconds)
Convenient closing delay sunroof (3.5 seconds)

I believe the values in red are the only changes that I have made.

There's no "Convenient opening with Comfort Access" which is what I thought I needed. This should be a selection that's the opposite of "Convenient closing with Comfort Access". There must be an expert mode parameter that corresponds to "Convenient opening with Comfort Access", but I couldn't find it. Maybe it's also missing in the iOS version.

"Convenient opening delay rear windows" must be wrong and probably should be "Convenient opening delay front windows" to be the opposite of "Convenient closing delay front windows".

With no "Convenient opening with Comfort Access" choice, I set "Convenient opening" to "not active". This seems to prevent the mirrors from opening when unlocking the doors with Comfort Access. I'm guessing that it would also prevent the front windows or sunroof from opening as well, but I don't care about that.

So I now have the behaviors that I prefer. Thanks for your help!
When I start our i3, I prefer to have the climate control mode be that in effect when I last shut down our i3 rather than the default mode. In our 2014 U.S. i3, I was able to use BimmerCode to set the IHKA module's "Air Conditioning Memory" parameter to "aktiv" which did what I wanted. When I do the same in our 2019 U.S. i3, it has no effect; i.e., the climate control mode when I start our i3 is the default mode.

In expert mode, I set the IHKA module's 3003->MEMORY_OFF parameter to "nicht_aktiv" which apparently activates climate control memory. It's weird that a parameter must be set to not active to activate climate control memory, but it seems to work.

If you have any suggestions or information about this, please post. I have notified the BimmerCode developer about this in hopes that he will fix it if indeed it is broken.