Check Engine Light, Code P15B1

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Nov 27, 2024
Hello, out on some errands today and my 2017 Rex showed a Check Engine light. At home I connected my OBDLink CX and opened the OBDLink app. It showed Code P15B1 as "confirmed," "pending," and "permanent." But had "no match" when I looked up the code. The car is driving normally. A google search indicates "Low voltage in Terminal 15 Sense Circuit." Anyone ever had this code? What is a "sense circuit?"

Also, the "permanent code" apparently means the fault has been detected multiple times, but this is the first time the CEL has turned on. I have owned the car for less than a month, so could earlier "permanent" codes have been erased?

Thanks for any info or insights.

At home I connected my OBDLink CX and opened the OBDLink app. It showed Code P15B1 as "confirmed," "pending," and "permanent." But had "no match" when I looked up the code.
DTC's whose first character is a 'P' is a generic DTC. For more specificity, you'd need a code reader (e.g., BimmerLink) that displays proprietary BMW DTC's as hexadecimal numbers (digits include A-F, 0-9). The BMW fault codes Website lists several different explanations for a P15B1 which includes at least 3 different hexadecimal DTC's.