BMW i3 - Nose design update?

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New member
Aug 5, 2013
I like the i3 and think it is a great concept. However, I really don't like the design of the nose... Personally I think a more conventional nose might have been nicer and quickly photoshopped one for discussion purposes :idea:

What do you guys think? :geek:
I really like it. A great job ChrisB.

I could never understand why BMW i chose to keep the Kidney Grill design but ditch the Angel Eyes. I think the single headlamp contributes to making the car look much smaller than it is .... which in my eyes isn't a good thing.

I wish I could Photoshop. I would love to see what a Loft interior would look like with a Black steering wheel cream horn hub (no BLUE insert!) and wood on the dashboard (as per Lodge).

That would be my ideal spec. All the elements currently exist .........but I can't choose to put them together..... which is a big shame.
I like it also, nice job! The headlights, taillights and "streamflow" design on the side are BMW i trademarks. You won't see conventional headlights on any BMW i car.
Thanx for the positive feedback, guys! Perhaps you can post it on the front page to give it some attention ;) Would be nice if BMW would notice it and gave the i3 a face lift.

Parker said:
I would love to see what a Loft interior would look like with a Black steering wheel cream horn hub (no BLUE insert!) and wood on the dashboard (as per Lodge).
That would be my ideal spec. All the elements currently exist .........but I can't choose to put them together..... which is a big shame.
Yeah, I hope it will be possible to mix and match all those interior elements... Until then we have to cobble together our own designs:

Brilliant ....many thanks ChrisB.

I thought it would look good and it does ......... I really like the cleanness of Loft (there's just a bit too much going on in Lodge for me) .... plus its actually pretty close the Concept Coupe interior

+1 the ChrisB i3 is super boss :cool: now it looks like an i3M :lol:

Speaking of the kidney grill, wouldn't you think that a more flush/smooth/blended grill would be more wind-cheating than the more pronounced BMW i blue trimmed grill that was implemented? Ok, the turbulence created by the pronounced grill frame is likely negligible after all (and the frunk doesn't need that much air cooling ;-) ) but for the most part, BMW has been more about function WITH style (e.g. air breathers & air curtains on the recent models) rather than style over function... Just my opinion.
ChrisB your Famous!!

Not sure if you get Car Magazine (UK) ...... but your picture is in the letters page of the September edition...... well done.

I forgot to mention the first time, yours is the first i3 picture I've seen with a body coloured bonnet .... it makes a big difference doesn't it.
The standard black one actually covers up a lot of the complexity of its design.
Great! Thanx for the update :cool: Yeah I sent the picture to them as well but didn't hear anything back... Glad they used the image! Unfortunately I don't get Car Magazine UK here.
If you have the magazine, could you please scan the article and post it here?
I'd definitely buy this over the actual i3 ;)

It is not clear to me why the manufacturers (with 100s of millions resting on these cars), don't check general customer reaction before approving designs. If BMW checked and still approved - that is even worse.
Chris you are.

The first pic shows the cover of the magazine so you'll recognise it if you see it.



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