Where is tire pressure reading on 2021 i3 ?

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Active member
Feb 10, 2016
New Orleans
I owned a 2015 i3 and I routinely checked the tire pressure readings (part of vehicle status from memory).

The menu of my recently purchased 2021 i3 is quite different. After over an hour of looking on the menu and in the owner’s manual, where can I find the tire pressures ?

I owned a 2015 i3 and I routinely checked the tire pressure readings (part of vehicle status from memory).

The menu of my recently purchased 2021 i3 is quite different. After over an hour of looking on the menu and in the owner’s manual, where can I find the tire pressures ?

On my I3s the tyre pressures are on the shutting edge of one of the door openings, the driver's I think.
In the iDrive 6 vehicles including the 2021, at the center console press Menu, scroll to the right to My Vehicle and then scroll down to Vehicle Status.