Used i3 checklist - what's the first things you recommend doing after receiving the car?

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Mar 2, 2021
Used i3 checklist - what's the first things you recommend doing after receiving the car?

software update -- what else?
I bought my 2019 87 miles from home. I drove a couple of blocks from the dealer, found a parking place, and coded the car to allow HSC at 75%. I arrived home with over 70% battery. I did not want to run the battery way down since I had only the level 1 charger.

Once home, I finished the coding. Main thing is folding mirrors when locked and cleaned up the startup stuff.
Pahaska said:
I bought my 2019 87 miles from home. I drove a couple of blocks from the dealer, found a parking place, and coded the car to allow HSC at 75%. I arrived home with over 70% battery. I did not want to run the battery way down since I had only the level 1 charger.

Once home, I finished the coding. Main thing is folding mirrors when locked and cleaned up the startup stuff.

Any concerns about voiding your warranty or is that a non issue with coding?
I just turned on some features that are already native to the car and available in other countries. When I traded my previous I3, the dealer did not care. No reason they should care now.
Pahaska said:
I bought my 2019 87 miles from home. I drove a couple of blocks from the dealer, found a parking place, and coded the car to allow HSC at 75%. I arrived home with over 70% battery. I did not want to run the battery way down since I had only the level 1 charger.

Once home, I finished the coding. Main thing is folding mirrors when locked and cleaned up the startup stuff.

Hi Pahaska, when you wright HSC, what do you mean - "Hill Start Control"?

Thanks, Daniil
Pahaska said:
HSC - Hold State of Charge. Allows REx to start anywhere below 75%

Thanks! Mine is BEV and I'm looking for the way to adjust the recuperation power and Hill Hold Control.

It would be cool to have the possibility to code the recuperation power via e-sys and passing it to the steering wheel flippers (M Performance steering wheel retrofit).
Make the hand brake switching ON automatically when the car comes in still stand position.

i3sDan said:
Mine is BEV and I'm looking for the way to adjust the recuperation power and Hill Hold Control.
Recuperation power is infinitely adjustable over its range of no recuperation (coasting) to the maximum supported by the motor electronics. The position of the power pedal adjusts the recuperation power. Why would steering column paddles need to be added when full adjustment is already available?

Many i3 drivers continue driving like they drive an ICE vehicle in that when they want to decelerate, they lift their foot completely off the power pedal which results in full recuperation power. Learning to keep one's foot on the power pedal except when braking or using full recuperation power is an adjustment that needs to be made to take full advantage of i3 driving.

I just lift the parking brake if the slope is too great for hill hold mode. Pressing the power pedal automatically releases the parking brake, so it's pretty convenient for preventing rolling when stopped.
alohart said:
i3sDan said:
Mine is BEV and I'm looking for the way to adjust the recuperation power and Hill Hold Control.
Recuperation power is infinitely adjustable over its range of no recuperation (coasting) to the maximum supported by the motor electronics. The position of the power pedal adjusts the recuperation power. Why would steering column paddles need to be added when full adjustment is already available?

Many i3 drivers continue driving like they drive an ICE vehicle in that when they want to decelerate, they lift their foot completely off the power pedal which results in full recuperation power. Learning to keep one's foot on the power pedal except when braking or using full recuperation power is an adjustment that needs to be made to take full advantage of i3 driving.

I just lift the parking brake if the slope is too great for hill hold mode. Pressing the power pedal automatically releases the parking brake, so it's pretty convenient for preventing rolling when stopped.

Thank you for sharing your experience! :)

Based on my experience different production years have different recuperation power when you lift completely off the pedal your feet. That is why I assumed it can be adjusted for exactly this situation when you need to have more recuperation power to stop the car faster. Some car manufacturers including Mercedes use this technic by adding the recuperation power change option to the steering weel pedals. I personally find it handy. ;)

i3 does not have hill hold mode and therefore it is nice to have option to code the hand brake switching on automatically when the car comes to a still stand position. Currently I'm doing it manually as well :cool:

If any one here knows hot to code it in e-sys or BimmerCode please share the code instruction
Here's another- my 2016 i3 REX has just been serviced, the dealer has advised that the front damper boots are split.

The original items are convoluted rubber, presumably better quality aftermarket parts are available?

Unfortunately the struts need disassembly to replace them, for which my local BMW I agent wants UKP400 just for labour... (though this job should be easy enough for an independent service outfit)

Busfolder said:
Here's another- my 2016 i3 REX has just been serviced, the dealer has advised that the front damper boots are split.

The original items are convoluted rubber, presumably better quality aftermarket parts are available?

Unfortunately the struts need disassembly to replace them, for which my local BMW I agent wants UKP400 just for labour... (though this job should be easy enough for an independent service outfit)
The consensus seems to be that paying a mechanic to replace the rotten boots isn't worth the cost. Might depend on the local climate and whether roads are salted in the winter.

I'm not aware of any higher quality boots. What's needed are split boots that could be installed without disassembling the struts. These have been (are?) available for CV joint boots for some vehicles.
I've got a couple of threads on this under REx specific forum. I think the rubber gaiters are worth repairing, but even if using genuine BMW parts, then don't expect to see them last longer than 2-3 years. A lot of this is dependant on your climate. If you are spanner handy this is doable for DIY mechanic.

One thing to note, and not sure if widely reported, is that the suspension top mount can fail too. With the front of th car jacked up, rotate steering, if you hear a tell tale clunk (could be broken coil spring) or friction noise this could be the top bearing. Possibly related to torn gaiters allowing moisture to get to the bearing. The bearing itself isn't particularly robust, so water penetrates from underneath and corrosion forms on aluminium mount which in turn causes the bottom steel bearing race to distort or sheer.
Helpful advice from the preceding posts has persuaded me to accept a phone call from my local BMW dealer to get the boots replaced by them.

While there may be cheaper options, I want to have the job done properly.

And the serious savings I'm making in fuel costs will easily cover the expense!

I'll try some silicone spray to hopefully prolong the life of the new gaiters.

Code the bigger tank and hold charge are musts with the REX. The larger screen with CarPlay in my 2017 was huge. All of that has made my opinion of the car increase significantly.
adapt said:
Used i3 checklist - what's the first things you recommend doing after receiving the car?

software update -- what else?

I go around the car and tap everything by hand to see what's loose, where plastic parts are knocking due to gaps, etc., then m tighten screws everywhere I can, software updates, connected drive updates and subscription renewals, etc. Check the battery kappa too.