Lots of number crunching done now, assuming 10,000 home charged miles pa, and 80 miles per full charge equivalent.
I'm heartily sick of the big 6 energy companies and the tricks they get up to, so intend to switch to a green energy provider at the same time when my contract runs out, by which time the i3 should be imminent. I've looked at Ovo, Ecotricity and Good Energy.
For me, in this region (electricity prices vary by region as well as supplier) it looks like moving to an Economy 7 deal is a no brainer unless the cost of installing the special metering is prohibitive (does anybody have any experience of this?). The highest break-even point was 6,500 miles pa.
As I would like to switch both gas and electric away from the big six it tends to be the gas price that holds most sway rather than the E7 price or how the E7 trade-off pans out between higher than standard day time prices and lower off-peak prices At present the biggest saving from E7 would be with Ecotricity, partly because they offer a slightly cheaper tariff to EV owners, aimed at giving the equivalent of about 1,000 'free' miles. The net electric E7 saving with them would be £170 compared with their std electricity tariff. The estimated annual home charging cost for the i3 varies between £126 (Eco) and £199 (Ovo) but Ovo come out significantly cheaper overall for me, including gas. Compared with my current NPower fix to Aug 2014, the current Ovo Fix for 100% green energy would only cost £70pa more if I've got the numbers right. Ecotricity would cost £240 more, which is unfortunate as they seem to be the only supplier planning rapid charge points on the Mways so I would have liked to go with them. I've put the numbers through USwitch too and there do not appear to be any other suppliers I should have considered.
It will all pale into insignificance compared with depreciation!