Taking slower US Highways instead of Interstates

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Active member
Feb 10, 2016
New Orleans
Despite having a REx, I plan my trips between charging stations. Usually these are Level 2 chargers and not DC.

I have found that taking slower (average @ 50 mph/80 kph) increases my range vs interstates (70+ mph, 115+ kph). The extra time spent traveling is less than the time saved charging at a L2 charger. I can get from A to B slightly faster - if charging is required along the way - taking the slower, more scenic parallel route. I save more time at a L2 charger than I spend traveling slower.

Not true if I can find a DC charger, or the old US highway is more circuitous or goes through an excessive number of towns & cities.

I also enjoy seeing more on the US Highways.

Note to non-Americans: US Highways are older (most built before Interstates) at grade access (except a few upgraded sections), 2 or 4 lanes, that routinely went through every small town. Interstates are the American version of the autobahn. Grade separated, 4+ lanes, higher speeds that avoid smaller towns. Both roads connects larger towns & cities. Almost always a US Highway parallels an Interstate Highway, separated by a few miles.
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I also enjoy seeing more on the US Highways

Yes! I’ve noticed myself the big battery use at 80mph on local interstate vs 55mph on local expressway.

A few decades ago (pre BEV) we took the US highways from Salt Lake City to Rifle CO, avoiding the interstate and getting to see lots of scenery and local color (plus dinosaurs!). Proper road trip in my view.