Hi Gonville, yep it's me from FB
I've been driving cars with purely electric power steering for getting on for 20 years and not ever experienced this kind of behaviour with them - Mk5 Golf, Mk6 Golf, Mk7 Golf, Mk5 Polo, BMW 3 and 4 series, both RWD and 4WD and they all drive like 'normal' cars. It can't be right that one particular model of car pulls to the left, right or goes straight ahead depending on where the steering wheel is left - that sort of thing should be down to alignment, not where you left the steering wheel!
I did one of my regular drives down the A14 today where my i3 is really badly affected by tramlining on dips in the road near Newmarket where the surface has been worn down by trucks. I paid special attention to what made it feel odd and realised that there's absolutely no feedback from the wheels - as in you hit the edge of a dip when changing lanes and the only thing you feel is the car going off at an angle. In a 'normal' car you'd feel the steering wheel turn as the wheels are on the edge and instinctively correct it. There's none of this with my i3.
Anyway... let's see how it turns out with the rack reconditioners etc. They've assured me it's not right and that they guarantee a recon rack will self centre like any other car and also be 'finger steerable' - it's not the first time they've come across this on an i3, and they've seen it on BMW Minis too, which have a very similar rack design. Going to be a bit of a delay with updates but I'll be sure to post back here when I have any info.
Thanks for the comments!