reverse with a chirp or sound alert

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New member
Oct 5, 2015
I was wondering if anyone has ever added a reverse alert on their i3? OR if it could be managed by coding changes?

Having a few close calls with pedestrians in parking lots running into side of the car while talking on their phones or just not paying attention. The car is very quiet on a slow reverse as you all know.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
BMW makes a low-speed pedestrian alert system optional in other places, but they chose not to include it in the USA. You might be able to retrofit it, but one that is activated by the reverse lights might be easier. Keep in mind, though, that tapping into that wiring may generate an error, and worst case, maybe blow a fuse.

Google "back-up alert beeper light" and you'll find a lot of options in the $25 range. However, I installed one in a 2003 Prius many years ago only to learn ... pedestrians are deaf to a back-up beep.

If I were repeating the experiment, I would try a different sounds:
  • vicious attack dog
  • screaming, crying baby
  • angry bees and wasps
  • mosquito swarm
  • finger nails on blackboard
  • "HALT! Hands up!"
  • coin falling on concrete and rolling
  • various quotes from my Marine Corp drill sargent

Bob Wilson