wiper delete completed!
The interior trim panels have thre torx fasteners, two behind the clips that hold the warning triangle.
Then the large panels pulls off (clips). The two vertical trim panels need to be pulled out of their clips before you can unhook the main centre panel from them.
Three bolts hold the wiper motor in place and one elec connector.
The wiper arm has a taper-fit, it can be stubborn. I tried levering it off the shaft, then I took a break to re-think how to separate it, then it somehow just fell off with no effort required!
Reassmbly of panels is easy. I stuck a circle of gloss black vinyl over the hole left in the glass, practically invisible.
Wiper deleting makes the tailgate lighter to lift up (may replace the gas-strut with a linear actuator for automatic raising. The car seems easier to drift now, is that due to lighter tailgate or winter chill keeping the tyres cold?
Next mod is blackout the rear lights and reduce drag/turbulence round the front wheels with two aero-splitters.