Hello everyone. I just took possession of a 2017 REX in the fastest i8 blue . I am currently waiting on an OBD2 so I can change the REX control and gas tank capacity. I am also researching EVSE's and have a question for the community. I am looking at Clippercreek, Juicebox, Grizzl-e, Siemens, EvoCharge, & Tesla MCB. I have a 6-50 plug (welder outlet), but the layout means I cannot mount the EVSE directly above the outlet (conduit coming from ceiling). Given the thick and short plug cords (some shorter than others), it looks nearly impossible and probably bad to bend the cord too much. Does anyone have a similar situation and found a good solution? My thoughts are to rotate the outlet 90-degrees so cord only needs to be bent 90-degrees (trying not to do a u-bend or a s-bend). Has anyone used a short 240V extension cord to allow for better placement? Thanks everyone.