March software update?

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2014
Washington, DC
Is this much discussed update out? I called my dealer and he wasn't aware of it. Told me he'd look into it but I have not heard back from him.

I have google alerts set for the i3 and saw a news item about a week ago reporting that an update was out for Rex owners.

Anybody have confirmed information as to the status of the March update for BEV/REX? I mean, it's almost April! If so, please provide the service bulletin(s) number(s).
Yes, it's out - has been for weeks. Doesn't include several fixes that people had hoped it would. You do get SoC, charging cable unlock when full (although it only works sometimes, not sure anyone has nailed down exactly why yet), and a warning in the instrument cluster before REx models go into power limited mode.
Had to drop off my REx for a check engine light, so I'll see if there's any change when I get it back in the next 3 or so days.
Delivery of my car was delayed by a day in January for a new software update, don't know if that's the same update. I'm in the UK.
I received the new software update when I had my KLE replaced on 3/9/2015. My car is BEV so the only change I've noticed is the SOC display on the instrument cluster.
SI B61 35 14
General Electrical Systems March 2015
Technical Service

This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI B61 35 14 dated December 2014.

designates changes to this revision

Displayed Range Is Lower After Programming

I01 (i3 and i3 REx)

After the vehicle is programmed with ISTA/P 3.53.3 (i-level I001-14-07-503), the displayed vehicle range in the instrument cluster is lower than prior to the software update. The actual range that the vehicle is capable of achieving on a full charge has not changed.

The difference between the displayed range and actual range is always conservative, yet this difference varies based on driving profile. When driving primarily at highway speeds, the difference between displayed and actual range is within a few percent of each other. When driving primarily with a low speed/city profile, the gap may widen to as much as 20% or more.

Software improvements have been made to the range algorithm to improve its accuracy in all driving scenarios. These updates are available with ISTA/P 3.55.0 (I-level I001-15-03-501). In addition, the following enhancements are integrated into this new I-level:

The state of charge (SOC) percentage is visible in the upper left corner of the Kombi. It has been added to the board computer display in order for the customer to better manage the vehicle range.

During vehicle charging with the doors locked, the charge port is also locked. However, now when charging commences, the charge port will be unlocked to allow for hospitality charging (charger sharing).

REx only – if the SOC reaches 2.0% with the REx running, the message “Low Battery. Power Reduction Possible.” will appear in the Kombi.

In addition to the range display, the customer may notice that the vehicle’s range has decreased as outside temperatures have gotten colder. This is most noticeable in extreme cold climates, and when preconditioning is not used. This situation does not indicate a problem and is independent of the range display algorithm.

The algorithm that determines the displayed range, was changed with the 14-07-503 software level. The result of the changed algorithm is that the display is too conservative.

Only properly trained personnel, who have passed all applicable technical training courses, should perform any maintenance or repairs on any Hybrid or Electric Vehicle. Work performed by unqualified persons may result in severe injury or damage to the vehicle. Additional information may be found in REP 61 00… Observe safety instructions when handling electric vehicles.

Program and code the entire vehicle using the latest version of ISTA/P (3.55.0 or higher). Target integration level I001-15-03-501 or higher.

Note: ISTA/P will automatically reprogram and code all programmable control modules that do not have the latest software.

Always connect a BMW approved battery charger/power supply (SI B04 23 10).

For information on programming and coding with ISTA/P, refer to Centernet / Aftersales Portal / Service / Workshop Technology / Vehicle Programming.

If the customer believes the actual range has degraded considerably and is prior to the release of the improved software, submit a PuMA case entitled “i3 Range Display Accuracy” for further assistance.

warranty information
Covered under the terms of the BMW New Vehicle/SAV Limited Warranty or the BMW Certified Pre-Owned Program.
Defect Code: 62 11 31 18 00

Labor Operation: Labor Allowance: Description:
00 00 006 Refer to KSD2 Performing “vehicle test” (with vehicle diagnosis system – checking faults)
61 25 910 Refer to KSD2 Recharging high-voltage battery unit (to high-voltage charging unit)
61 00 730 Refer to KSD2 Programming/encoding control unit(s)
61 21 528 Refer to KSD2 Connect an approved battery charger/power supply (indicated in KSD2 as “Charging battery”) (“to EME” for the i3)
61 21 529 Refer to KSD2 Connect an approved battery charger/power supply (indicated in KSD2 as “Charging battery to EME”) (luggage compartment service cap removed)

Refer to KSD2 for the corresponding flat rate unit (FRU) allowance. Enter the Chassis Number, which consists of the last 7 digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Click on the “Search” button, and then enter the applicable flat rate labor operation in the FR code field.

Vehicle Programming and Encoding

If a vehicle control module or component was working properly and/or had no related faults stored prior to vehicle programming and it fails to program correctly and/or requires initialization, this additional work must be claimed with separate labor operations under the defect code listed above; refer to KSD2.

Repairs to address control modules and/or components with pre-existing conditions are not eligible to be claimed under the defect code listed in this bulletin.
Is this update the same thing as the march update I can download from after I enter my vin? I'm asking since I updated that, but I still don't see the stuff listed in the bulletin above, specifically the "During vehicle charging with the doors locked, the charge port is also locked. However, now when charging commences, the charge port will be unlocked to allow for hospitality charging (charger sharing).", which was the main thing I wanted.
Does l001-14-07-503 only update the range display and change the algorithm or does this update force you to get your re-gen weakened too?
raduma said:
Is this update the same thing as the march update I can download from after I enter my vin? I'm asking since I updated that, but I still don't see the stuff listed in the bulletin above, specifically the "During vehicle charging with the doors locked, the charge port is also locked. However, now when charging commences, the charge port will be unlocked to allow for hospitality charging (charger sharing).", which was the main thing I wanted.
The online updates are only for the media/phone/bluetooth. The software referred to in this thread must be installed by a dealer.
WoodlandHills said:
Does l001-14-07-503 only update the range display and change the algorithm or does this update force you to get your re-gen weakened too?

The BMW i concierge I've spoken to denies that the March software update altered brake regeneration. Nonetheless my vehicle's dynamics definitely have been altered. I can be off the accelerator going down a steep hill and the i3 will gain speed until I apply the friction brakes. As a test this morning, I crested a hill at an indicated 7 mph with my foot completely off the accelerator yet the car had reached 15 mph after one city block when I had to brake for the stop sign. Previously it slightly decelerated on the same street.

I should note that the March service (also had the KLE replaced) was the first time my i3 has been serviced/updated since the May 2014 delivery. It's possible what I'm noticing was implemented in one of the previous updates. The concierge claims to be meeting with engineers next week and promised to get back to me on a resolution for my situation. I'll post an update when/if I hear anything.
THe change in regen is part of the KLE s/w update, not part of the latest revision. Someone said it went from a factor of 27 to 24 (no idea how it is internally calibrated or what those numbers mean, other than that it got about 11% less).
I think they not only changed the max regen, but the attack ratio as used to be very dramatic, now, it seems to have a slight ramp up. Some people had complained that they couldn't drive it smoothly. Personally, after a couple of days, I had no problems.
Where do you see if your car has this update installed? I have poured through the screens on the display and struggled to ever see a version number or revision that I could spot check.
There's a service menu that can be accessed to see what software is in the car. A search will tell you the button sequence required to access it. Now, unless you have a cheat sheet with all of the latest s/w rev numbers, it's mostly meaningless.

The only s/w you can update and easily check on pretty much any BMW, are those for updating the map data, or the firmware that runs the phone and BT functionality. For example, I updated my maps yesterday on my i3 to 2015-2 had 2014-2a on it previously. Took a little over 32-minutes once I had everything ready to go.
jadnashuanh said:
There's a service menu that can be accessed to see what software is in the car. A search will tell you the button sequence required to access it. Now, unless you have a cheat sheet with all of the latest s/w rev numbers, it's mostly meaningless.

The only s/w you can update and easily check on pretty much any BMW, are those for updating the map data, or the firmware that runs the phone and BT functionality. For example, I updated my maps yesterday on my i3 to 2015-2 had 2014-2a on it previously. Took a little over 32-minutes once I had everything ready to go.

How did you get it to update the maps?
jadnashuanh said:
There's a service menu that can be accessed to see what software is in the car. A search will tell you the button sequence required to access it. Now, unless you have a cheat sheet with all of the latest s/w rev numbers, it's mostly meaningless.

The only s/w you can update and easily check on pretty much any BMW, are those for updating the map data, or the firmware that runs the phone and BT functionality. For example, I updated my maps yesterday on my i3 to 2015-2 had 2014-2a on it previously. Took a little over 32-minutes once I had everything ready to go.

How do you do this?

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