Local dealer obviously licensed all their lease vehicles at the same time...

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2018
There is a coffee shop up the block from me. The owner drives an i3 - she had it long before I got mine, and her rave review was one of the reasons I bought it. She originally leased hers, then bought out the lease last year. She tends to park it in front of my house, because the coffee shop itself doesn't have much parking.

A couple months ago, I went on a lunch time walk, and saw that hers was parked in front of my house. Toward the end of my walk, I saw "her" i3 parked somewhere else - a couple blocks in a different direction. I thought "that's odd, did she move it while I was at lunch?" Finished walking home - nope, her i3 was right in front of my house. I went back, and yup, the other one was a couple blocks away. Same color, same wheels, the license plate was even similar.

Here in Oregon, default license plates are three numbers followed by three letters. The numbers count up, then the letters increase. So license plate "001 ABC" would be followed by "002 ABC", up to "999 ABC", then the next would be "000 ABD" (I assume - although I don't recall ever seeing a 000, so maybe they skip that?). The two were (changing the letters) "543 BOB" and "569 BOB".

Well, flash forward to last month, when I was in a different city (for the launch of Another EV ) and I saw *ANOTHER* "BOB" i3! This time "579 BOB". This one was a 2019 i3s. I commented to the owner, and he acknowledged that he had leased one in 2015, and decided to keep the license plate when upgrading to a 2019 because "BOB" matched his initials! I mentioned that his was the third "BOB" i3 I'd seen, and he thought it was funny. He also confirmed that he had leased both from the same dealership in my town that I know the coffee shop owner got hers from, and the second one had a license plate frame from.

Then earlier this week... "669 BOB". Yep, same BMW dealer's license plate frame.

I wonder how many lease vehicles they registered in rapid succession enough to have that many "### BOB" plates?

*(Note: for privacy, I have chanced the letters on all of them to "BOB" - the actual letters are not "BOB", but are all the same as each other, but the numbers are correct.)