Lessons learned buying end-lease from NC for AL

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 30, 2016
Huntsville, AL
Time line:
  • May 27 - picked up 2014, BMW i3-REx in Charlotte. Applied 'code' to enable 75% level SOC, REx. It absolutely made the evening drive home successful.
  • May 28 - arrived in Huntsville, 463 miles, 11 hours later
  • June 3 - took to dealer 4-wheel alignment
  • June 9 - called seller asking about 'title'. Rear tires found bad so ordered new fronts too, 'campaign' repairs began
  • June 12 - call again about the 'title', return call, 'Title company swamped but will get it out Tuesday.'
  • June 16 = car out of dealer, $700 for the requested alignment and front tires. Everything else was warranty.
    {*]June 18 (Sat) - letter from DMV, to take car in for registration, title arrived in Alabama
  • June 20 - visited 'satellite' DMV office, 'Sir you need to go to court house that has the paperwork.'; at court house,'Sir you need to have the bank send us a package.'; at bank,'let me check with title team, call back Wednesday'; ate bitter lunch; message on phone,'Come by bank we have your package.'; visited bank and got package; back to Court House where three clerk, eventually the senior one, handled the paper work, held up because the Alabama DMV computers do not list a valuation of a BMW i3; senior clerk took an educated guess and asked for $149 check and got tag; visited BMW dealer and got tags and a phone number to call to get put on the owner roster.

So this evening I created a BMW account but did not call BMW support, yet. I'm hoping that once all of this is done, we can figure out how much of the wireless connectivity exists; can be enabled, and; what value it provides.

FYI, the BMW i3-REx is worth it.

Bob Wilson
So this was a used purchase, off lease?

What was the trim level, and how much did you get it for? Private party? Or Dealer?