Check to see if ANY status is accurate: doors locked, charging, odometer reading, physical position on the map page, etc. The first time this happened to me, the dealer unplugged the telecommunication module which forced it to reset...everything worked fine minutes later. I've removed the fuse several times when I've noticed things not updating, and that also has restored things (takes a few minutes...don't get antsy right away and don't have it ON or charging while you do this). BTW, it's fuse 115...easy to get to if you don't mind sitting on the ground or are more flexible than I am! Pulling the power plug requires removing the rear seat, and personally, I don't think that's a great idea...those plugs aren't designed for lots of insertion/removal...a fuse, is pretty quick and easy to access. All of the BS I got from BMW about removing the app, reloading it, resetting things, having them reset things, etc., just didn't work...power cycling did. It's happened to me now about 4-5 times in a year. The thing gets caught up in a loop, and it might be that calling the SOS could force it out, I'd not tried that. SO far, power cycling has always worked when other actions did not. We should not have to do time the car is in for some service, make sure that they put that on the service order. IF enough of those show up, there'll be more incentive for them to fix it.