HVAC/DASH warning lights inconsistent

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Sep 24, 2024
Hi. 2 issues, may be connected.
i3 Rex, 2015 manufactured (Jan 2016 registered), 53K miles

1-Heated seat switch lights (both sides), sometimes all or some are illuminated, sometimes not, sometimes flicker, but the seats always get warm & I think different levels of heat are available although not always easy to tell if I've got level 1,2 or 3 on!

2-A/C switch light does the same. Recently had A/C system re-gassed (properly by pro, new oil etc) & as far as I can tell all works ok although as it's cold here at the mo (UK) can't be sure, but no odd noises from a/c system & HV batteries will charge past 80% at fast public chargers (which for a short time they wouldn't due to insufficient refrigerant/pressure, which I believe is what should happen via the BMS). The "Max a/c" switch light always works when on.

So my question is, are the lights telling me something such as potential future failure, or is it just the lights themselves malfunctioning?
Flickering LED's on the climate control panel is a fairly common problem on older i3's. Either the solder connecting these LED's to their circuit board or the LED's themselves are faulty, not the climate control system itself.

A few i3 owners have replaced these LED's which requires good soldering skills and equipment. Otherwise, the entire circuit board or maybe the control module itself must be replaced.