Huge differential between website Lease offer and Dealer

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Aug 24, 2015
I've got the dealers "Lease Worksheet" in hand, and the lease deal offered is:
Price $52295 (repeat customer discount) $2500 Cash Acq Fee $925 Doc $195 Fees $314 Taxes $928 Total Closing Cash $4800 - Rebate $7500
24 mths $587/mth Residual $34363 (63%) 10,000 miles @ $0.15/0.20

On the BMW USA website I can look up "Offers" from BMW and find;
i3 ReX $48,000 24mths / $309 mth $4734 due at closing

My build is $52295, I've got $4,300 more car, my term and total cash out are the same, my 10,000/yr is the same, and my lease payment is $278 MORE per month. If I add up all the numbers (Cash + payments+ rebate+ residual value) the website aggregates to $48,590 on a $47,895 sale price, a $695 differential My dealer offer aggregates to $58,451 on a $52295 sale price, a $6,156 differential

I'm not a quant, but this looks like simple arithmetic. Am I missing something in the arcane world of "Lease Worksheets" ?
I'm guessing that the promo lease quotes the base money factor, and the dealer has marked up the MF to the max. Depending on the dealer you may not be able to get them any where close to the numbers the promo is based on.
Sounds like youre getting ripped. Go somewhere else and get a better deal, at least 350 per month with 4800 in.

going somewhere else from Hawaii leads to shipping costs and time lags....I've done it but prefer to work "local" if there isn't too big of a premium

I talked to a car buddy in the biz and he told me just call the sales manager and ask him for the money factor they are using and come to terms.... my leverage would be that I would unhinge from the lease and put it on a financed basis. Problem is I don't want to own this car given the changes in the industry. The two year lease is ideal for testing out the car and the concept of EV.
Bummer, I didn't realize youre in Hawaii - I guess that's a downside for living in paradise. Sorry, Im coming from Cali, where you have like 20 dealerships... good luck bruh!
There numbers are insane. I did a 55 k i3 with 4800 at 375/month. Which is more in line with the bmw specials they have right now.

Funny, the first bmw place claimed the 2 year lease specials were only for 2014 models.

I would go somewhere else if possible. Or just call them up and say look, I will sign papers for 340/month and 4800.
I'm on my way to discuss now, the salesman texted that the money factor was 1.7…I'll check using one of the online calculators.
He just offered $475 w/ $5,000 down
Here's where I stand now. After "working" with my Honolulu based salesman his final offers were;
$5,750 due at signing, with $3250 as Security Deposits, $507 mthly payment, based on a Money Factor of 1.01. Alternatively I could have no money down except the MSD's and my payment would be $610.

I reached out to a dealer in Cali, Rusnak, and requested a similar car, 24 mths lease. The build was exactly as above but it includes the upgraded HK Premium Sound System, bumping the MSRP by $800.
Total Cash as Drive off, $3,150 (all MSD's so now "cash" out of pocket) $421.00 mthly payment. I'll have to have it transferred to Long Beach and freight to Hawaii island will be about $800. Lease turn in is at any authorized BMW in theory I'll be able to turn it in here on the Big Island with no additional freight charges at lease end.

For the additional freight/handling expense to get it to Hawaii I have $1,000 all in. Within the 24 mths lease I therefore have to add another $42.00/mth, making my Cali effective cost to lease about$463. If I interpret the cash at close of $2500 the Hawaii based deal requires as additional payments for the car over the 24 mths. I'm adding about $100/mth to the Hawaii deal, making my effective cost $507 + $104 = $611 / mth.

When I explained the Cali deal to my Hawaii salesman his only response is that they have a bare bones offer to me and as a repeat customer they're doing everything they can to keep me. However they just can't compete with dealerships willing to lose money on car sales. He was adamant that the Cali dealer must lose money on the deal offered.

He asked for the courtesy of a "heads up" if I decided to buy the Cali car BUT he would be taking the Tera he had on hold for me and putting it back on the market right away. Hmmm...that's some leverage! I'll be in LA in a 2 weeks anyway, so I'll have a chance to meet the salesman and look over the fleet of available i3's. As well, I'll be that much closer to the release of the '16's and perhaps that might effect my decision as well.
Sounds like you need to go somewhere else. Or just tell the guy if he wants to sell you the car, he can either match the cali price, or you will just go without it. He knows now too that you really want the car if you've researched freight options! ha.

also "However they just can't compete with dealerships willing to lose money on car sales." is a total lie on his part. BMW is massively subsidizing their dealerships to sale these cars at severe discounts. BMW is taking a loss, not the dealership.
Your dealer is lying, end of story. He knows you are a "loyal customer" but the only extra charge that you should have to pay above and beyond what anyone in mainland US is paying is a transport fee to get it to your island.
So my Cali deal is on hold... The salesman has advised me that senior management is opposed to a phone sale. Interestingly when I first called and identified myself as a Hawaii resident he advised me we can do everything with Notaries and a physical prescence at the dealership was not a requirement.
Now it is.....I'm wondering if the Hawaii dealer is putting the squeeze on BMW USA to protect there territory.

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