Multiple Security Deposits: Advanced Leasing techniques

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Aug 24, 2015
In grappling with a lease offer* I presented in an earlier thread my salesman just advised that:

"… To answer your question about savings, if you prepay your lease you will save 30 points on your money factor. Another option is a multiple security deposit, with this option you would save about 49 points on the money factor. You would save about 49 points on the money factor. With a multiple security deposit You would need to give BMW 7 times the amount of your monthly payment as a deposit then you would be able to get this money back at the end of your term. If I were in your shoes I would opt for the multiple security deposit option, the reason being with the prepaid lease you would need to pay the lease amount in full and your money factor would go down to 1.2 but with the multiple security deposit you would only need 7 times your monthly payment and your rate would go down to 1.01…"

How complicated (that is, what are my risks) is the deal getting?

Price $52295 (repeat customer discount) $2500 Cash Acq Fee $925 Doc $195 Fees $314 Taxes $928 Total Closing Cash $4800 - Rebate $7500
24 mths $587/mth Residual $34363 (63%) 10,000 miles @ $0.15/0.20
Not sure where your dealer is getting his numbers from. He is trying to make it more complicated than it is. You should pay 2800 in security deposits and get it for around 350/month based on other member experiences. Look at bmws website, a 48k bmw i3 lease deal is 2800 down and 309 a month (no negotiation).
Your dealers is not quoting money factor correctly either. It should be something like .0012

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