If your building has two charge spots, are they always the same cars, all day, or do they switch out? Option would be trying to get to know who is charging, Leave nice notes on windshield, and ask to coordinate swapping out cars via texts, etc. Or try coming early and see if you can beat them in (or wait until they leave at the end of the day).. My Company allowed us flex hours, so we could choose to come in early and leave early to beat rush-hour if we wanted to. Fully charging a car at a commercial charging station shouldn't take more than an hour or so, depending on what amp charge stations were put in, so those charge stations should be shared. If they are not, maybe building management can be asked to send out a use notification on not monopolizing the charge stations after their car has been charged, preventing others from charging their cars - notification that they are "charging spots, not parking spots", if that is what is happening.