AUTOMAN, I'm still unsure about the charging fault. I re-checked voltages on the unplugged L2 charging handle and there was 25 volts between the left large upper pin and the left center smaller pin (polarized). The L1 EVSE (which does not trigger the fault) was the same though. This still suggests that there may be no spurious voltage leakage from the L2 EVSE and the problem is on the car end - and perhaps even related to the problematic EME fault code. Given that Alohart has explained about the 2 on-board AC chargers, I'm beginning to wonder if one of the chargers (for 120v only) is fine and the other one (for the additional 120v @ L2) maybe potentially faulty, but I'm at an impasse now. I'm not quite ready to trash the L2 charger yet, which has served me well thus far. It came with a 120v outlet adapter to charge at L1, so I'll try that next to see if it throws a code using that. Unfortunately, I do not have another L2 EVSE to try, but if necessary, I may go a public L2 EVSE as the next step.
I am using a Creator C310+ hand scan tool. I got from Amazon. Despite being omitted in the listing, the scan tool does work with the I01 chassis and includes it in the vehicle selection menu. I also have a BT dongle that worked with BimmerCode, but never invested in BimmerLink as it doesn't seem to offer anything I can't already do with the Creator. The difference in the data available by our respective tools may make comparing difficult, but I'm hoping we can still get some insights.