Electric charge insufficient

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2019
My first post on here.
Bought a 2016 BEV a couple of weeks ago - so I'm right at the bottom of the learning curve.

For the past week whenever I turn the car onto Drive, I get a warning in the centre display, saying "Electric charge insufficient": with a red icon.
The next line says "Find charging station".

This has happened with the battery at between 35% and 85% charge (so it doesn't appear to be related the state of charge).

Any suggestions about what might be causing this?
If that turns out to be the case, I strongly encourage you to use the iDrive function that wipes all stored data and configuration settings (the function with the scary warning about taking 10 minutes to complete). No reason to keep the previous owner's cell phone pairings and map pins around, not to mention the possibility that the PO may still have remote access via ConnectedDrive.....
Well, I found that Doncaster, England was the preferred charge station: I live in New Zealand.
Couldn't see how to delete that, so I set my home as a new preferred charge station and it seems to have fixed it.
I didn't delete "all stored data" as I have just loaded 16Gb of music onto the system.
I'll see if any other problems arise that could be due to stored data.
Yeah, it rather stupidly says that if you're too far from your "home charging station" you have set. Makes road trips ridiculous. "Yes, BMW, I know I'm more than 80 miles from my home charger, I'm asking you to take me 3 miles to the hotel in the town I'm in, when I already have 90% battery."