websterize, thanks for the breakdown you posted earlier today. We put a deposit on a REx last week, and the dealer is quoting us a lease with the following terms:
BMW i3 REx Mega
- Capparis White
- Heated front seats
- DC fast charging
- Park Assist package
* MSRP: $48,200
* discount including Holiday Credit: $2,900
* Factory rebate: $5,500
* Customer price: $39,800
With a down payment (including first payment, DMV, and fees) of $3,500, our monthly lease is $461.38 + tax with a residual of $25,546. This looks nearly identical to the the numbers you ran for chrisch70. Frankly, I was worried that the dealer's quote started with MSRP. The selling price in the quote is down where it should be after the rebates and discounts, though, so it sounds like we are getting a reasonable deal.
iConcierge told me that the vehicle was transferred to the trucking company on Monday. I'm hopeful that we get it by this weekend.
Thanks again!