Dealer performed B840922 programming TCU for 3G sunset, what does this mean?

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Active member
Jan 15, 2022
I took my I3 in for a check engine light on the REX unit and they performed the B840922 programming TCU for 3G sunset, what does this mean? I Googled it and couldn't find anything. I am aware of 3G going away and that is what it is. Not sure what the dealer did when they performed the B840922 programming TCU for 3G sunset, Anyone know what it means? Thanks!
What year is your car and where in the world are you? There are different 3G sunsets depending on what part of the world your car is registered in.
EvanstonI3 said:
What year is your car and where in the world are you? There are different 3G sunsets depending on what part of the world your car is registered in.

2021 I3S with REX and New York
accidentalyEV said:
2021 I3S with REX and New York
3G was discontinued in the U.S. last February, and your i3's telematics control unit (TCU) uses 4G for communication. Maybe this TCU is able to use 3G when 4G isn't available. If so, maybe this programming disables the ability to use nonexistent 3G. But why bother?
alohart said:
accidentalyEV said:
2021 I3S with REX and New York
3G was discontinued in the U.S. last February, and your i3's telematics control unit (TCU) uses 4G for communication. Maybe this TCU is able to use 3G when 4G isn't available. If so, maybe this programming disables the ability to use nonexistent 3G. But why bother?

I agree why bother. Not sure what service BMW uses. The snippet below is from.FCC website. 3G might be working for some things until the end of this year.
When is it happening?
Some mobile providers have already completed the shutdown of their 3G networks, while others are scheduled to occur later in 2022. Plans and timing to phase out 3G services will vary by company and may change. Consult your mobile provider's website for the most up-to-date information.

AT&T announced that it phased out its 3G network beginning in February 2022.
Verizon announced that it will finish shutting down its 3G network by December 31, 2022.
T-Mobile announced that it finished shutting down Sprint's 3G CDMA network as of March 31, 2022 and Sprint's 4G LTE network as of June 30, 2022. It also announced it shut down T-Mobile's 3G UMTS network as of July 1, 2022, but has not yet announced a shutdown date for its 2G network.
If your mobile carrier is not listed here, you may still be affected. Many carriers, such as Cricket, Boost, Straight Talk, and several Lifeline mobile service providers, utilize AT&T's, Verizon's, and T-Mobile's networks. In addition, international visitors to the United States with 3G phones will be affected and are urged to plan accordingly.
I would imagine with 3G gone it's a situation a bit similar to a cell phone searching for a useable wifi signal in places where there isn't one -- it's better to just disable the wifi to conserve battery or clock cycles or prevent error messages.

I am surprised 3G was still enabled in '21s but I suppose there could have been last-minute reprieves to keep the service alive. My '21 is due for a service visit and I need to come up with an excuse to flash the latest OS, assuming they've updated it since August of last year. I suppose they'll apply this 3G patch as well?
accidentalyEV said:
Some mobile providers have already completed the shutdown of their 3G networks, while others are scheduled to occur later in 2022. Plans and timing to phase out 3G services will vary by company and may change. Consult your mobile provider's website for the most up-to-date information.

AT&T announced that it phased out its 3G network beginning in February 2022.
All early U.S. i3's with 3G TCU's used AT&T's mobile data network, so all early U.S. i3's likely lost Internet access by the end of February. I suppose there could be some areas in the U.S. where AT&T wasn't ready to discontinue its 3G service by the end of February, but I've not read of any early U.S. i3 that still has Internet access.

Regardless, your i3 doesn't need to connect to AT&T's 3G mobile data network, so it still doesn't make sense that your BMW dealer would need to do anything regarding 3G's discontinuation. Hopefully, you weren't charged for this procedure. If so, by all means ask for a detailed explanation.
Just had the same thing done to mine. Took them a week.

Somehow they ended up replacing the KAFAS Camera as well.

Not very impressed with this visit. They also installed the $292.12 cabin filter. Ugh.
alohart said:
Regardless, your i3 doesn't need to connect to AT&T's 3G mobile data network, so it still doesn't make sense that your BMW dealer would need to do anything regarding 3G's discontinuation.
Turns out, this makes perfect sense. In May, our dealer performed the service action described in Service Information Bulletin 84 09 22 SERVICE ACTION: PROGRAMMING THE TELEMATICS CONTROL UNIT - 3G SUNSET on our 2019 U.S. i3. This fixes a configuration error that prevents voice communication over 4G using Voice over LTE (VoLTE). Voice communication worked under 3G. Until this service action is performed, the Connected Drive voice services Concierge Call, BMW Assistance, and emergency call voice won't work.