Perhaps the subject line can be more accurate however I just wanted to create this post to share with everyone the issues that I have had so far and what needed to be done to solve them.
1. Main battery was drained to 0% and then the aux battery was drained dead as well.
Problem: you cannot charge the car if the batteries die completely.
Solution: pop the hood open, unscrew the cargo bucket, and jump start the small battery to give you enough energy so car can start up and charging module will begin charging.
Problem: you can't pop the hood open with a button
Solution: right under the hood open button is a small latch into a compartment that houses a thing you can pull on to release open the hood.
Problem: you cant open the charging door if the battery is dead.
Solution: next to the right passenger door latch there is a small foam thingy you can pop off. Behind it you will see 2 blue circles. One releases the door and the other i havent tried but looks like it releases the charging cable.
P.S. i used one of those portable powerbank type jump starters, not another car.
P.S.S i also have one of those cigarette light auxillary charging port c.harger that you can plug in to both cars. It may work on regular cars but I tried it in this case and it did not.
2. If none of the above works for you and you still need the car towed:
Problem: cant switch to neitral to roll car out.
Solution: make sure you call a tow truck that can lift the rear tires off. Flat bed or not they need to have a sled.
1. Main battery was drained to 0% and then the aux battery was drained dead as well.
Problem: you cannot charge the car if the batteries die completely.
Solution: pop the hood open, unscrew the cargo bucket, and jump start the small battery to give you enough energy so car can start up and charging module will begin charging.
Problem: you can't pop the hood open with a button
Solution: right under the hood open button is a small latch into a compartment that houses a thing you can pull on to release open the hood.
Problem: you cant open the charging door if the battery is dead.
Solution: next to the right passenger door latch there is a small foam thingy you can pop off. Behind it you will see 2 blue circles. One releases the door and the other i havent tried but looks like it releases the charging cable.
P.S. i used one of those portable powerbank type jump starters, not another car.
P.S.S i also have one of those cigarette light auxillary charging port c.harger that you can plug in to both cars. It may work on regular cars but I tried it in this case and it did not.
2. If none of the above works for you and you still need the car towed:
Problem: cant switch to neitral to roll car out.
Solution: make sure you call a tow truck that can lift the rear tires off. Flat bed or not they need to have a sled.