DC Fast charge error

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New member
Jun 11, 2017
Hello all,
Just got my i3, no extender last weekend. I have yet to get the DC fast charging to work. I have tried a few different stations and they all give me the same error code on the screen. Error Code 151. Anyone have any idea what this is? I was not able to find that error code through googling.
Is that a CCS screen, or in the car where you read that message?

The acv inputs in a car with CCS capability, are used for serial data communications rather than power when you plug in a CCS plug. If the car cannot make a datalink with the CCS unit, neither one will allow power to be applied. Some people have found that, depending on the plug and cable, because it is heavier than those on an EVSE, may slightly bend the socket, and distort things enough so that the communications link cannot be established. Some of the interlocks work, but not all of them, and thus, it won't charge. Next time, try making sure the plug is fully seated, and then, maybe help take some of the tension off of it caused by the heavy cable, and see if it will get started. From what I've read, if it gets started, you can often then release your hold, and it will continue.

Thanks for the response. It's on the charger screen. The ones I have tried in town, 3 are all Greenlots brand and say the same thing. Error code 151. I saw the info about holding the plug tight and making sure it starts, which I've tried holding the cable up etc. but it does not seem to help.

I emailed Greenlots to see what 151 means. Wish they had the codes on their website.
I've had issues with Greenlots units in the past. Can't recall the error code but same result--failed communications and no charge. Their support line indicated one solution was to reboot the station. Can't say if that worked because the station was at an office building that was closed at the time so no one around who had the ability. When I tried it again months later the station worked. I'd guess you're likely seeing a similar software error with the station. Quickest way to determine would be to find another non-Greenlots station and see what happens.
It's possible, but maybe unlikely, that the CCS unit is old and has not had its operating software updated to the current standards. That's one reason why, initially, the i3 wasn't released in the US the same time as in Europe (the bigger reason may have been just supply)...the US standards didn't get resolved and approved until early in 2014, so they couldn't tweak things to conform on the car...who knows on the CCS units.
I received the same error code. I am able to charge with level 1 and level 2 chargers, but not with any of the four DC fast chargers that I have tried in the last 48 hours (2 of which were Greenlots and 2 of which were not). Two different CSRs told me they thought the problem was with my car (after a tech checked out 2 of the DC fast chargers). I'm taking my i3 into BMW for service in 10 days. Until then, level 2 charging will be more than adequate.
I'm not sure if there is a connection, but I also have trouble with the charger getting stuck in the port. Even when I unlock the car doors, it won't come out without a lot of work on my part.
Did you ever resolve your problem? I just tried DC FC today on two different chargers, and both times it wouldn't work. Service tech Evgo, said must be vehicle issue. I know the charger works because there was an i3 just charging at the second one I tried. I've been using L2 at home with no issues.
lift up the handle as it tries to engage the lock... ccs won't start unless it locks.. the evgo handles are heavy and the lip that the lock goes over is just a little too high for the lock to engage if its just resting in the socket. just lift up the handle until you see the white plastic thing engage and you're good to go
I got it to work at a different station. Good to know about lifting up before it starts to make sure it locks. I just wanted to make sure the Fast Charge works, as I have an L2 at home. Don't really need DCFC for my normal commute.
Got a 2015 i3 Rex and for the last 3 months has been charging at work with ChargePoint and no issues until the last 4 days where my car would not communicate and no charging was ever completed. Called ChargePoint and they reported no issues with their stations and even could see the model of vehicle next to mine (Chevy Volt) which it was charging with no issues. The next day my i3 was rejecting the charge and finally began charging. On my third day I moved my car around to different stations thinking it was the station issue but unfortunately was unable to charge the vehicle. Came home and tried the 110 and 220v charging plugs and both worked with no problem. Today I took my car BMW and left it for inspection as to what could be causing this issue.

Have anyone experienced a similar incident? Thanks!
I’ve had several “no charge” issues in hot (>90 degree) weather. Now that it’s cooler where I live it’s charhing fine at the same station. Every time it didn’t fast charge I used the 120V charger at home with no issues.
While not all CCS units can handle the max the i3 can use, it's 50Kw, and the DC power supply in the CCS unit isn't perfect...some of the power used goes into heat. IOW, they can have issues when it's hot and there are back-to-back people using it so it doesn't have time to cool back down in between. Not all vehicles can handle that charge rate, so may not stress the unit. There are only a few out there that can handle that 50Kw (and fewer still that can handle more, but like in the Tesla, that's a different protocol and plug). That doesn't mean that was the problem, though. The more common issue is if the plug is not fully inserted and locked. The pins used for an AC charge are used as signal lines when using a CCS unit. The plug on a CCS unit is heavy. The socket in the i3 is plastic. Unless you get the latch fully engaged, the weight of the plug can distort the socket, and prevent the pins from properly mating.
Hi everyone

I want to charge CCS at motorway but would not let me.. So I have to AC charge which is very slow.. KNow anyone why I dont get CCS charge? I just bought new i3 last week!
whizzbread said:
Hi everyone

I want to charge CCS at motorway but would not let me.. So I have to AC charge which is very slow.. KNow anyone why I dont get CCS charge? I just bought new i3 last week!

WIth the two extra, heavy duty contacts, it takes a bit more to ensure the connector is properly seated. Then, because it along with the cable are heavier, if it isn't fully inserted, the signaling may not occur, leading to a fault. At least until it starts, sometimes it helps to hold the connector to help relieve the pressure...once it starts charging, you should be able to release it.
I have just gotten a 2014 Rex model. I have not been able to DC Fast charge yet. I tried twice on Greenlots stations, and received error code 151, as others have reported. Tried once on Evgo, and no connection was made.

Any updates about this issue? In particular, is there an issue with the 2014 model? Any need for firmware updates? Any way for the dealer to check the car to confirm that the issue is not in the car?

davidinasheville said:
I have just gotten a 2014 Rex model. I have not been able to DC Fast charge yet. I tried twice on Greenlots stations, and received error code 151, as others have reported. Tried once on Evgo, and no connection was made.

Any updates about this issue? In particular, is there an issue with the 2014 model? Any need for firmware updates? Any way for the dealer to check the car to confirm that the issue is not in the car?

I had a similar problem with my BMW i3-REx. On the first visit to the dealer, they said L2 charging worked ... no problem found and did not take the car to the Fast DC, CCS charger downtown. So Saturday I drove up to Nashville and verified the same problem with the Brentwood YMCA EVgo station. Monday, I brought the car back and they finally diagnosed and got the right part fixed. It only took Monday-Friday. I left it there over the weekend and picked it up on Monday.

In my case, I had trouble getting the CCS plug out of the socket and used too much force. I even tried the manual disconnect with no luck. But as soon as I powered up the car to contact BMW Connect, it unlocked.

Let me suggest:
  1. Document the L2, J1772 works.
  2. Document two Fast DC chargers that do not work.
  3. Coordinate a loaner before taking car to BMW.
  4. Drop off the car.

Bob Wilson

ps. Century BMW, (256)536-3800. My service technician, Brandon, who figured it out. Ask the service manager to speak with Brandon or get his diagnosis to your dealer.