Car will not start - twice

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2013
I am a great believer in learning from the mistakes of others, so I am hereby announcing to the world that I am an idiot to give you the opportunity not to make the same idiot mistake....

For those of you used to automatic cars I imagine it is second nature to put your foot on the brake before starting the car...... I however have only ever owned manual/ stick-shift cars, so I put my foot on the clutch before starting. The i3 has no clutch.

To get the i3 to engage the engine you have to have your foot on the brake pedal before pressing the start/ stop button. If you don't have your foot on the brake it energises the car, but does not ready the engine. You cannot get from the "car on but engine not ready" state to engaging the engine unless you turn the car off with the start/ stop button & then on again with your foot on the brake pedal.....

I will not relate the enormous amount of dancing around I had to go through to realise this as it's very, very embarrassing. However I do want anyone looking for information on why their i3 will not start to read this and hopefully have a "dooh" moment.....


I've always driven automatics so didn't fall for this trap!

But can't you go from on-but-not-ready to on-and-ready by putting foot on brake and pressing the stop/start button again? I don't think you have to start from cold and go straight to on-and-ready? I'll experiment.
As SanSerif points out it's the fact that you can't go from "on but drive not engaged" to "on with drive engaged" by pressing the brake & start/ stop that is confusing - and perhaps different to internal combustion engined car. You have to turn off and then on again with the brake engaged.

TheCyclist said:
As SanSerif points out it's the fact that you can't go from "on but drive not engaged" to "on with drive engaged" by pressing the brake & start/ stop that is confusing - and perhaps different to internal combustion engined car. You have to turn off and then on again with the brake engaged.


Not in mine I don't. Typically I get in and press start with my foot on the brake but if I forget and press start without foot on the brake I then press start with the foot on the brake to go to "on with drive engaged". No need to turn off and on again in mine.

And SanSerif seems to think the same as me...

SanSerif said:
But can't you go from on-but-not-ready to on-and-ready by putting foot on brake and pressing the stop/start button again? I don't think you have to start from cold and go straight to on-and-ready? I'll experiment.
It's a shame BMW didn't make this more user friendly for newcomers or get away drivers!

Audi A2 1.2 TDI has it in large red letters on the Driver Info Display and has a warning bell for handbrake if foot not on pedal during start sequence with handbrake off.
Yes I am twice the idiot.

Car off, foot on brake, press start & it goes to full on with drive ready to go.
With car stopped press start & it goes to power on without drive.
Press start again & it goes off completely.

Car off, foot off brake, press start & it goes to power on without drive.
Put foot on brake, press start & it goes to full on with drive ready to go.
