My i3 had been unused while we were away for 2 months. I had connected the 12V battery to a solar panel, through a controller, to keep it charged.
When we got home, the car was dead. A cigarette lighter voltmeter showed a reading of < 10V. (This time last year, all was fine with this regime.)
I got the AA (car club roadside service) guy around and he connected a Jump-start 12V battery in parallel.
The car lit up immediately and I could do all the normal things.
HOWEVER, now, when I turn it on in the mornings, I get a message advising that the "Battery is discharging while stationary" and the %charge has dropped about 4% overnight.
It is a 2016 BEV.
Is my 12V battery had it? or is there a test I can do using a VPeake ODB device?
When we got home, the car was dead. A cigarette lighter voltmeter showed a reading of < 10V. (This time last year, all was fine with this regime.)
I got the AA (car club roadside service) guy around and he connected a Jump-start 12V battery in parallel.
The car lit up immediately and I could do all the normal things.
HOWEVER, now, when I turn it on in the mornings, I get a message advising that the "Battery is discharging while stationary" and the %charge has dropped about 4% overnight.
It is a 2016 BEV.
Is my 12V battery had it? or is there a test I can do using a VPeake ODB device?