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  1. I

    Brake light indication in the car

    This is helpful, thank you!
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    Brake light indication in the car

    So there are two separate points, first, Brake lights blind the person behind so they should not be used at complete stop. Second, every other car has brake light ON except i3(unless driver presses the brake) making i3 less visible to any cars behind. I am concerned about the second point.
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    Brake light indication in the car

    I think the problem with i3 is that unlike GAS cars that have brake lights ON when stopped, i3s' stay off making i3 'relatively' less visible.
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    New 2015 Rex CPO Owner with a sad story - still developing.

    I am so glad that there is positive movement. Like I said before, people have been scammed more than once. No learning is enough. Just pack extra patience and be prepared to spend $! Car buying is just exhausting. Ps. Leave them a review on fb, Google, cars. Com, if you have time. It may...
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    New 2015 Rex CPO Owner with a sad story - still developing.

    Not surprising to me at all! Believe me most people have been scammed like this, more than once! Bottom line is, this is how dealership makes living but unfortunately in commission driven business model, good faith is quite rare. ps. Try getting in touch with BMW directly.
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    New to me 15' REX Certified Pre Owned no start REX?

    My 2015 i3 has ~21K mile and only 350 miles on rex but couple weeks ago it failed to start so its at the shop. Emission test turned on the rex so not sure what happened.
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    Has anyone reached 0% battery while the Rex was running.

    Mine slowed down to 50ish mph at 2%, at that speed maybe rex can maintain 2% SOC maybe.
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    Brake light indication in the car

    Glad you are safe!! I hate that people use phone while they are driving. I think using phone should be banned if the car is in motion. Distracted driving the only reason for my ask to keep brake lights turned on; when i see car approaching too fast while waiting at traffic light, I pump the...
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    Brake light indication in the car

    I would also suggest that Brake lights stay ON if the car has come to stop without using brake pedal. This is a huge problem that i3 creates for other drivers at traffic lights, its a chore to press the brake pedal after coming to complete stop(regen) to ensure that others can see i3.
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    Newbie Question - Finding miles used with ReX !

    Also miles on Rex is 357, total mile 20828. So about 1.75% on rex.
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    Newbie Question - Finding miles used with ReX !

    Nice to know. It was ~17.4 in the spring and now its 14.61!! var comp_soc = '14.61 '; var comp_socMax = '16.88'; This for some reason seems to align with the lower 50ish range I am getting lately. Can someone tell if its because of colder weather ( ~50F) ?
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    Ugh. More misfires. (Drivetrain error)

    Well that's true but can't stomach the suspense this problem adds. I really want to have dealership fix it since cars under factory warranty.... Did you happen to do that?
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    Ugh. More misfires. (Drivetrain error)

    Didn't know that... So what do I do when battery hits 6percent and Rex fails to start?
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    Ugh. More misfires. (Drivetrain error)

    A few weeks ago the Rex failed to start and threw Drivetrain error, however, today i started emission mode and Rex fired up!! :o What does that mean now?
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    i3 with 57kWh battery

    Thought that the Pack dimensions and voltage is the same between older and 2019 longer range i3.
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    Ugh. More misfires. (Drivetrain error)

    Have not had a chance to take the car to shop I will check that out if Rex starts in emission mode, hopefully that will fix the problem for me too!
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    i3 with 57kWh battery

    There should pack like this available with higher capacity so by upgrading existing modules with newer ones should restore/increase the range, right?
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    Why here AND Facebook? Divided we fall

    Everything Art said and FB becomes too distracting and therefore, time consuming. Photos can be added using photo bucket website and link can be shared here.
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    2019 bmw i3 usa web site released

    True so they sell few thousand a year. ps. some do appreciate carbon fiber frame which makes i3 unique in this price range.
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    Tire issue is frustrating. Need help with spare options...

    I completely understand! Now if you were in Houston I would have been happy to lend you the spare tire I have in my attic!