Waiting for Delivery. What should I be doing?

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Nov 16, 2015
NKy. Near the 'nati
Not picking up my i3 until after 1.1.16 to avoid an extra year of ad valorem taxes in KY. What should I be doing between now and then?

Should I go ahead and sign up for BMW Connected?

Should I go ahead and download the BMW Connected and BMW i Remote apps on my iPhone?

Can I get the VIN for my i3 and start messing with it? (Presumably not.)

Should I be reading the online owners manual from cover to cover?

Trying to take my mind off things until taking delivery.
get the vin number and track the car on BMW's website! Read up on how to do coding. Get some accessories
jpa2825 said:
Should I go ahead and sign up for BMW Connected?
Your client advisor should set this up at delivery.

jpa2825 said:
Should I go ahead and download the BMW Connected and BMW i Remote apps on my iPhone?
Sure. But they won't work until you set up Assist or ConnectedDrive or whatever marketing is calling it. Your CA should have more details. I set up my ID/password at my CA's desk after signing the paperwork.

jpa2825 said:
Can I get the VIN for my i3 and start messing with it? (Presumably not.)
No, but http://www.bimmer.work is a nice consolation while you wait. You can see what day your car was built.[/quote]

jpa2825 said:
Should I be reading the online owners manual from cover to cover?
If only more readers here did that ...

jpa2825 said:
Trying to take my mind off things until taking delivery.
I watched the i3 production videos several times on youtube. They're fairly mind-numbing.
To absorb everything in the User's Manual will take numerous readings, and some practice, but that would have to wait until you get your car!

Definitely go through that, and it will focus where you need to ask for clarification at the dealer's initially.

There are a bunch of on-line videos you can watch to see how things work.

You can download the phone app, but it won't do much until you have your VIN and password and login setup, which won't happen until delivery. Same thing on the phone version of the owner's manual, but you can view that but it works best once you input your VIN.
So, i just got word my Rex is ready for delivery. Cant wait to get my hands on this beauty :)

what should i be doing or aware of during delivery? the car will be shipped due an out of state lease.

what documents, code, access information for all the BMW application, charge card (i heard all 15' cars get free charing @DC)

if someone who took delivery recently would enlighten me on what to look out do that'd be great.

i3green said:
So, i just got word my Rex is ready for delivery. Cant wait to get my hands on this beauty :)

what should i be doing or aware of during delivery? the car will be shipped due an out of state lease.

what documents, code, access information for all the BMW application, charge card (i heard all 15' cars get free charing @DC)

if someone who took delivery recently would enlighten me on what to look out do that'd be great.



Your charge point card will be in the packet in the back trunk area and it'll need to be activated before it can be used, I'd walked around and do a full visual inspection. In iDrive, set charging modes to maxiumim, asumming your wiring permits, dealer will submit your info for BMWassist and you will get an email that your account is active and that is when your can start logging in on the iDrive remote app. Should take less that 72 hours.
eneka said:

Your charge point card will be in the packet in the back trunk area and it'll need to be activated before it can be used, I'd walked around and do a full visual inspection. In iDrive, set charging modes to maxiumim, asumming your wiring permits, dealer will submit your info for BMWassist and you will get an email that your account is active and that is when your can start logging in on the iDrive remote app. Should take less that 72 hours.

thanks, that is what i wanted to know.

i already have a Charge Point card and Greenlots i ordered a while back. i guess one more Charge Point card doesn't hurt.
the only problem i have, won't be able to take delivery at the BMW center because i am out of State.

main problem will be the iDrive remote app, only have BlackBerry and as we all know nothing is available from them :lol: , but i also don't want to jump ship for just one iDrive application. :?

just curious about what should come with the car, (folder with all the booklets, 2 Keys??) anything special i need to be aware of or watch out for. i know on other cars there is sometimes little gadgets here an there from the factory, i just want to make sure it doesn't get "lost" during transit!

really excited for the car, this is my first "expensive" vehicle and only the second lease car. i usually don't care much for my ride other than that is has to be safe/efficient transport. guess i'm little different for my age group. but with the i3 i hope to make a little change and look forward to a brighter electric vehicle future.
The car does come with two fobs. You might want to purchase or get the dealer to throw in a fob cover as the unlock button is right on the edge, and if you have something else in your pocket or purse, it can inadvertently cause the doors to unlock, and if held long enough, roll the windows down. The default setting is to relock the doors after a delay if a door is not actually opened, but people (myself included) have found their windows down and the doors locked when they couldn't figure out why! This assumes you have comfort access, as hitting the actual buttons is harder if you insert the fob in backwards to provide maximum protection for the buttons.

You might want to activate BMW's ChargePoint card as it will give you free recharging, whereas, an older one obtained elsewhere, may not.

If the car has 20" wheels, they are SUMMER performance tires, and in the cold with ice or snow will be like slicks. There is no 20" winter tire available, and the only 19" winter tires are designed for the 5" rims, not the wider 5.5" ones that come on the rear of the REx and many configurations. The Eco modes dampen the response of the accelerator, and might be good if the roads are funky, or to get used to it.

Releasing the accelerator pedal all of the way produces maximum regeneration and will lead to jerky progress...you can coast if you feather the pedal, and adjust how much regeneration is produced by releasing from the pedal further. Driving like a 'normal' car will produce an uncomfortable ride. Proper use of that pedal can let you drive with one pedal most of the time, and leave the brakes for emergencies or jerks that cut you off.

For use maybe at home or in the office, you might want to pick up a cheap Android tablet to monitor and control the car with the device. It's nice to be able to activate the climate control and check the status. As long as you have WiFi available, you should be okay, no need for a cellular connection unless you want to spend the extra money, and you can pick up an off-brand Android device really cheap since you'll not need it for lots of things. Now, you might WANT a nice one, but it's not required to run the app.
perfect, thanks for the input. well, i downloaded the app via Snap on my Z30, but i only know if it works when i have the account all set up. everything before that is just a guessing game.

if not i go the route that you mentioned and get a cheap Android. :)

great idea with the fob, yes pretty much all manufacture follow the stigma "form follows design" which in that case is rather optimal. i have seen the same issue with other manufacture key fob and people got back to their vehicle with the convertible down the car resembling a swimming pool :lol:

my car is a Rex with 19 inch wheel. really didn't want the bigger wheel due added cost, most likely less comfort and no winter tire setup. the car is pretty much full loaded except the 20 inch wheels and Harman Sound System. even has the Terra package which im not too keen about, not a fan of leather seats.

well, its a 24 month lease for a good price and i'm just happy to drive the best most advanced E-Car there is. BMW is 7 years ahead of the game and its good to be part of it, i dont mind to give in on some features. like many things in our society we are complaining on the highest level :)
Once you try the adaptive cruise control, you'll be a convert to the tech! My other car seems just so lame without it. Spoiled me rotten.

The backup camera should be standard (and will be in another year or so by Federal regulations), and I can't safely drive one without it as I can't turn and twist like I used to. The resolution is pretty good, and better than most others out there.
Get a 240V outlet in your garage and a 30A EVSE. The 120V "occasional use" one that comes with the car is very slow.
Took delivery (Laurel grey, REX, tera, parking, tech & HK) yesterday. Still figuring things out. FB group FAQ is a great resource for what you should do initially.

Remember to use the SOS button to call BMW Assist to activate both Connected Drive and iRemote (same logins). This will avoid having to wait the 24-72 hours for that to happen naturally.

Found some good basic videos at http://www.bmwusa.com/Standard/Content/Owner/OwnersManualVideos.aspx?namodelcode=15IB when looking for the Owners Manual in PDF to put in Evernote.

Found out the outlet I was planning to use in my garage is not grounded. Outlet I used for my Leaf is at other end of the garage and won't reach. Options for now: back the car in (kinda difficult as it is a tight squeeze with driveway at an angle), fix wiring on other outlet (very old and not sure a licensed electrician will pass it as up to code) OR relatively short (6' should do it), heavy gauge extension cord (I know this is not recommended, but is done by many). Good news is that I have L2 at work and 50 mile RT commute, so I should not NEED to charge at home very often.

I think I am finding out that Connected Drive only works with USB connection to iPhone and not via BT. Would coding to Enhanced BT change that? Suspect not. Do BMW Apps like Web Radio only work via the USB connection?

Does anyone pay the $100/yr. for either Concierge or internet via Connected Drive? Valuable or not? I could see more value in the Concierge for a vehicle that you'd take on trips. Smartphone able to do most of what Concierge can do. Would be nice if alone & driving, but suspect that would be a rare need?

Was glad my iGenius showed me the writing on top of the iDrive trick. Didn't see that in my prior research. Pretty cool. Reminds me of the old Palm Pilot days!!!

Sorry for the silly Qs. I am sure there will be more.
jpa2825 said:
Outlet I used for my Leaf is at other end of the garage and won't reach. Options for now: back the car in (kinda difficult as it is a tight squeeze with driveway at an angle), fix wiring on other outlet (very old and not sure a licensed electrician will pass it as up to code) OR relatively short (6' should do it), heavy gauge extension cord (I know this is not recommended, but is done by many).
I would go to my favorite home improvement store and buy the items necessary to relocate the outlet using surface-mounted conduit and a surface-mounted electrical box in which to install the existing outlet. But I understand that many aren't comfortable doing this.

The heavy-duty extension cord would be an option. When first used, I would periodically check the temperature of the outlets and plugs to make sure that excessive electrical resistance isn't causing dangerous heating.
IF there's a ground wire in the box, you could swap the receptacle for a grounded one, otherwise, not recommended in this situation. As the receptacles age and get used, especially if they are used for a heavy load, the spring tension and wire connections can get loose which can lead to overheating and an electrical fire. Anything you plug in should feel tight on the way in and out, otherwise, it's time to replace the receptacle.

For a hard-wired 30A EVSE, you need a 40A circuit. FOr the same thing with a plug, you need a 50A circuit since there are no 40A receptacles or plugs and the code requires you to not use more than 80% of a long-term load which charging the i3 would qualify for in the USA. Depending on your supply voltage, a 30A unit may max out the i3, but a 32A unit still works on a 40A circuit, and can. Now, the difference may not exist, depending on your input voltage (mine is typically 245-7, and with 30A 245*30=7350, or almost the max of 7400W the car can use). If your input voltage was say 230*30=6900W, or 500W less than the car can use. Charging overnight, it is a mute point, though. Note, public EVSE's are not all created equal, and many of them cannot provide the maximum power the i3 can use. They often are fed with 208vac verses 240vac, but still only put out 30A (if that).

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