ultraturtle said:
Chrisn said:
It is laughable to suggest that a normal consumer would find it reasonable to employ a magical sequence and OBD-II gizmo to drive up a modest grade without dramatic loss of speed and power.
Precisely why I stated "bonus points" for that last, tiny, marginal benefit to be gained by nerds like us.
For the vast unwashed, all that needs to be remembered is
56 mph.
Try it on your next drive. You might be surprised.
Sorry. Sounds like BS. The OP isn't the only story I've seen about highway speed hill climb issues solely using the REx in the US. One notable story I've seen is from another guy in So Cal.
Too bad you're on the other side of the country, otherwise I'm sure the OP and the other guy would want to challenge you.
I highly doubt given your hypothesis and even w/monitoring via tools plugged into the OBD2 port you'd be able to do significantly better up those same grades w/depleted battery. The REx engine's output is simply insufficient for those grades and speeds. You mention a max of 23.5 kW, that's only 31.5 hp.
(FWIW, my 06 Prius' curb weight is 2890 lbs, which is somewhere between 9 and 172 lbs lighter than the REx i3:
http://www.bmwusa.com/Standard/Content/Vehicles/2014/i3/BMWi3RangeExtender/Features_and_Specs/BMWi3RangeExtenderSpecifications.aspx. The ICE in the Prius has a max output of 76 hp, more than double the above figure. When the Prius' tiny battery is depleted going up a steep prolonged grade, the ICE is roaring but my speeds don't fall to 40 mph, let alone 25 mph... It's been driven over highway 17 before and over the Grapevine numerous times.)