The valvomax is a smart litte device, but in this case not suitable to my opinion.
- It looks like the valvomax is made from stainless steel, not recommendable to use on aluminium surfaces like the BMW i3 gear box.
- it is missing the magnet for collecting any metal parts
- it seems too bulky to not interfere with the heat protection on the rex.
In May '23 I drained the gear oil and replaced the original plug (M16x1.5) with a galvanised plug with normal hex head (so can be tightened/loosened with spanner). A 0.8 mm hole was drilled through the plug and M5 standard thread with 90 degree angle to support a small hose tail and later a small modified cone point grub screw (hardness 12.9) to plug it off. A small but strong O-shaped magnet was attached to the new plug-end to catch any additional metal coming from the gear box. I used an aluminium washer and tightened it with a torque somewhat higher than the set value by BMW: the new aluminium washer had a larger total surface than the original one. Oil I used was 500 ml GL5 rated SAE 70W-80 from BMW via getbmwparts. This is the same amount I got out of the gear box. The oil went in under gravity (1 m), but it took some time (45 min - 1 h). After removing the hose tail NO oil came out, but nevertheless had everything prepared to inserted the cone grub screw with loctite threadlocker stick 37643 so I did it quickly.
Checked after 1 month and found no issues. Driving now for almost 10 months without problems and average mi/kWh went up. Can not prove it was due to the oil change, but logic says that it does help to get things running smoother.
I was thinking to make more of these modified plugs if there would be interest in them.