Bimmer & Beemer
A couple weekends ago I was dealing with a massive amount (for my property at least) of Helene damage, and so the i3 sat in the garage for 4 days without being used or charged. It had over 50% charge left when parked. When I got in to drive to work on Tuesday, I noticed that the lighting on the interior had reset to white from the red "classic" I had changed it to upon purchase. Odd. Also my daytime running lights were selected, which I had initially doused. As I headed down the road, I turned on the stereo to listen to some jazz on SXM ... but the preset was blank. Actually, all of my memory buttons were blank. My initial thought was, "Oh no. Is this a 12v issue rearing it's ugly head?"
It wasn't until 2 days later that I realized I had grabbed the spare key in the pre-dawn haste of getting out the door ...
SMH. Swapped them out and, sure enough, all was as it should be/was.
Anyone else pulled this bone-headed maneuver?
It wasn't until 2 days later that I realized I had grabbed the spare key in the pre-dawn haste of getting out the door ...
SMH. Swapped them out and, sure enough, all was as it should be/was.
Anyone else pulled this bone-headed maneuver?