Tax Breaks for Electric-Car Charging Stations

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2014
Cincinnati, OH, USA
If you received a state credit, can you also claim the 30% federal credit? Maryland pays 50% of EVSE/installation costs on or after July 1, 2014, up to $900. So 80% off the total cost of the EVSE and installation? :shock:
That's great news! Because the approval of the building permit for the installation of an EV charging circuit in my condo parking space took ~15 months, I missed the former 31 December 2013 deadline for a charging station tax credit. Looks like I'll be able to take this credit for the 2014 tax year as well as the $7,500 Federal tax credit for the purchase of our i3. Woohoo!
alohart said:
That's great news! Because the approval of the building permit for the installation of an EV charging circuit in my condo parking space took ~15 months...

How or what did you work out with your condo? I'm at the beginning stages of discussions in my condo to see what makes sense. I'm curious if you are paying 100% of the EVSE installation costs and whether or not you'll also pay for he electricity you use. And at the point when you move out, what happens to the EVSE?

Until now, I have not paid at all to charge my car and rely on free public L2 stations, and L1 outlets at work and home.

I recently ran some numbers and see that the rough (unmetered) cost to charge from empty to full in my building is about $1.40. There are other owners who run trickle chargers on cars that don't get much use and still others who charge electric wheelchairs. And that's just in the garage. If we were to look at consumption profiles in the home we'd see some owners with dual electric ovens, while others use gas. Some have old CRT TVs and computer screens, while others have LCDs. The list goes on. Point being that in this older building, which lacks individual metering, it would be hard to assess a surcharge.

I'd be curious to find out how you handled all of this!