Tank coding and regenerative braking

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Supporting Member
Apr 30, 2016
Huntsville, AL

I used the expert mode to increase the tank volume setting from 8 L to 8.5 L and emptied the tank to measure what the gas pump reported, 2.25 gal. But I would prefer to increase the tank size to the maximum, 9 L. or higher if available. Any suggestions on how to do this?

I typically drive in "Comfort PRO" but find regenerative braking less than what I would prefer. I see two coding values for 'display' but nothing to adjust the strength of regenerative braking. Any suggestions?

Bob Wilson
bwilson4web said:
I typically drive in "Comfort PRO"

Is this a REX-only drive mode? I've only had my (non-REX) i3s a few weeks but I've never encountered that drive mode before. I get to choose between Sport (s model only), Comfort, Eco Pro and Eco Pro+.

Is there anything specific that you don't like about Eco Pro? In my limited experience it has stronger regenerative braking effect than Comfort (and therefore ~probably~ stronger regen than Comfort Pro)?
Correct, "ECO Pro," not "COMFORT Pro." Posting while not in the car ... I screwed up.

Regardless I still want a stronger regeneration. I'll try the other modes now that I have a Dashcam with G-force mounted.

Bob Wilson
I'm interested to hear what you find out. As said, I've only had my car a matter of weeks, but I much prefer Eco Pro to Comfort because of the extra regen braking (I'm fairly sure it exists and isn't something I'm imagining!).

I've only just got a compatible bluetooth dongle, so yet to have a go at coding. Initially that will just be for simple changes - such as making the default driving mode Eco Pro instead of Comfort.

But if you find a way to tweak the regen settings individually, please let us know.
I didn't think there was any difference in regen strength between the modes, but I also don't think anyone has ever instrument-tested it.
SSi3 said:
I didn't think there was any difference in regen strength between the modes, but I also don't think anyone has ever instrument-tested it.
I've not noticed any difference in regen power between Comfort and Eco Pro modes, but then I always drive in Eco Pro mode so haven't done a comparison recently. A simple test that doesn't require any instrumentation would be a coast-down test in each mode starting the test at the same location and comparing the location where the car came to a stop in each mode.
I am interested to find out what you find about the tank coding. My 2019 will only take 2.1 gallons from totally empty to first click on the nozzle. I think that I remember seeing in the coding the value was a hidden value and not one of the default options. I did not want to have to revert to a backup in case I messed something up. I wonder what the best value is?