Steering not self centering

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I'm sure it's worse than my car that was always iffy going straight on a highway. I assumed it was due to the run flat tires.
There is no run-flat tire available for the i3. A run-flat tire would have a high rolling resistance and would be heavy, neither of which i3 designers would have approved.

Happy that an alignment solved your steering problem. Our new 2014 i3 had the same wandering at highway speeds and stiction at the straight ahead steering position, but I don't recall a lack of centering being noticeable. I never had its alignment checked, but there was no unusual tire wear, pulling to one side, etc. Our former 2019 and current 2021 i3's both track straight at highway speeds with no need for frequent corrections like in our 2014 i3, so I just assumed that the suspension changes that BMW made in later i3's might have solved the problem.
Hi gOrsq....I'm totally with you... don't think I've ever driven a car with such difficult unresponsive steering. Very tiring on long journeys for sure. I have seen a few other posts mentioning it but otherwise most people seem happy with it. I wondered whether it was worth looking at the wheel alignments?
I have a 2019 120Ah i3 and it behaves the same. On a dual carriageway I can steer into a gentle bend then hands off and the car continues on the same radius. Going to the BMW dealer on Monday
I have a 2019 120Ah i3 and it behaves the same. On a dual carriageway I can steer into a gentle bend then hands off and the car continues on the same radius. Going to the BMW dealer on Monday
Please update us on what they find?
I have a 2019 120Ah i3 and it behaves the same. On a dual carriageway I can steer into a gentle bend then hands off and the car continues on the same radius. Going to the BMW dealer on Monday
Do you have a warranty? I suspect they'll either tell you it's normal or offer to replace the steering rack for a large amount of money. Has it always done this? Have you had the car long?
Do you have a warranty? I suspect they'll either tell you it's normal or offer to replace the steering rack for a large amount of money. Has it always done this? Have you had the car long?
Bought mid December from a BMW dealer so yes under warranty
Car is booked into Eastern BMW on 5th March. At slow speeds my car does self centre as per the video. I’ve taken it up to IKEA and driven round in circles at slow speeds and the car definitely does self centre the steering.

But at anything over 30 to 35mph I can set the steering for a radius, take my hands off the wheel and it’ll continue on this radius. I actually think the car it’s dangerous like this and it make for tiring driving outside towns.

I’ve never experienced anything like this. I have two friends with i3’s and I’ll investigate further how their cars drive
Does it fully self center at low speeds?
Mine partially self centers, to about 20deg from center in both directions.
So if I put a full turn on while driving at about 10mph it will slowly straighten up partially, but will ultimately still drive in a circle.
I have not tried to see what happens at 30mph, but I think it would do the same. At 30 mph if I steer slightly the car will continue turning.
I have a 2014 Rex with the same problem. Question to all of you that have this problem: Do you all have the "lane assist" option? Mine has. And to the folks ho has a nice self centering steering: Do YOU have the "lane assist" option? The guy in the video on this thread, with the self centering steering, didn't seem to have lane assist?
I have a 2014 Rex with the same problem. Question to all of you that have this problem: Do you all have the "lane assist" option? Mine has. And to the folks ho has a nice self centering steering: Do YOU have the "lane assist" option? The guy in the video on this thread, with the self centering steering, didn't seem to have lane assist?
Yes, I have lane assist option.
It is next to useless with this problem, as it zigzags down the lane like some drunken driver!
No lane assist on mine either.
Before buying my i3, I test drove 2 other i3s and they both behaved exactly the same as is described above (no self centering around 20 degrees from the steering wheel's center position). Then after my local BMW dealer confirmed this was absolutely normal on these cars, I decided to go ahead and buy the car.
Btw now that the weather gets slightly warmer, it is noticeable that the car self centers a little bit better, but it's still far from what I would expect it to be.
Counting chickens……. Car in the dealer now for 3 days. My expectations were low but so far impressed with Eastern BMW in Edinburgh. Took mechanic out for a quick drive (great as he saw the problem first hand) and two track rod ends being replaced and the lower universal joint on the steering column. Sounding good. Will report once the car is back

I know this has been discussed a few times but there doesn't seem to be a solid answer on it as some say their car is the same and other say it centres properly. I have a 2018 Rex with 104k miles on the clock. Only had it a few months and it's my first i3. The steering doesn't self centre all the way, it just feels 'stiff'. It will get to within 10 or 20 degrees of centre then stay there. If I'm driving down a straight road I can turn left or right a bit and the car will just keep turning. Same in both directions. Power steering seems to be working ok as turning the wheel when stationary is certainly assisted, but it gets tiring driving long distances as making small movements to keep in lane seem to take more effort than I've noticed in any other cars. It's like it sticks wherever you leave it.

I can't believe this is by design - with any other car you can pretty much steer with your fingertips but not my i3.

Any ideas/experiences?

About once every 3 months or so, I'll get that stiff steering...kinda feels like manual steering. All I do is turn the car off, and then back on, and it's fixed. It always clears up this way. Don't know what's going on, though.
About once every 3 months or so, I'll get that stiff steering...kinda feels like manual steering. All I do is turn the car off, and then back on, and it's fixed. It always clears up this way. Don't know what's going on, though.
If you're in the U.S. (your signature doesn't say), you might be able to get that fixed under warranty at no cost because the warranty on this problem has been extended to 10 years/120k miles. The integration level of your i3 would also need to be ≥ I001-17-11-500 (November, 2017) and < I001-20-03-520 (March, 2020). See