Serious problem with new BMW ConnectedDrive Website (USA)

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Realizing this is an i3 forum, I am having the same issues on my M340i. Anyone know what fuse number to pull on my car?
mkeaton1967 said:
Thank you jfran2 for the hugely helpful suggestion. I just successfully sent a command to my car for the first time in nearly a year.

To anyone else reading this, pull out fuse 115, wait a minute, put it back in, wait another minute or two. It really worked.

Been having nothing but issues with this POS ConnectedDrive working lately. Commands sent from iOS app always fail, lock/unlock, horn, etc. Want to try fuse trick.

Can someone tell me which fuse this is? My 2015 does not have fuse diagram I can find.
Fuse 115 - the fuse 'list' should be folded up and tucked into the center of the fuse block - but it is not a diagram. Undo/turn the lock tabs on the fuse panel under the glove-box and it will drop open.

View attachment 115.jpg
Thank you! Just realized there’s actually two fuse box locations under the passenger side glove box. I was looking in the one that requires bolts to be removed.

Also found this YouTube video on this procedure.

Hopefully it’ll fix my UnConnectedDrive issue with sending commands to the car.
Posting this in case it helps someone FWIW - I've had the same problem for several months (remote services not working, but other communication such as app updating %charge, eDrive status,etc. working). Unfortunately, after pulling the fuse the problem was not resolved. I was looking at the settings on the app, and 'enabled' BMW push notifications thinking maybe it was related... after doing so remote locking/horn/etc started working. This was the same day as the fuse reset so maybe a coincidence (?not sure but I don't want to mess with it since it's finally working & it's getting cold in the mornings!)

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