psquare said:
So if a higher amount for Recuperated Energy in mls/kWh is better, what does it express then?
Does a value of say 18.3 mls/kWh mean that you would recoup 1 kWh if you drove like this for 18.3 miles?
Ideally, you'd have NO energy recuperation since you'd be maintaining a constant speed, and there would be no opportunity to recuperate any (via regeneration)!
So, while cruising down the highway, ideally, you'd go LOTS of miles before you showed any regeneration because you're either coasting or just cruising under power. Any time that you slow down, you're wasting kinetic energy, and the car tries to recoup or save via regenerating that energy back into energy it can store into the battery. That conversion operation is never perfect, otherwise, you'd have a perpetual motion machine.
One has to look at both the miles/Kw used and the regen accumulated to evaluate how efficiently you are actually driving. Ideally, lots of miles/kw used, and lots of miles to regenerate any (since that represents only a small portion of the energy used to move you that distance). That's impossible in stop and go traffic, so there, you could easily recoup more energy in fewer miles, but since you may only save 50% of the energy it took to get you moving when you stop (don't take that number to's just being used for demonstration purposes), every time you slow down, you are throwing away a portion of the available kinetic energy. The ideal would be to never throw any energy away that could be recouped in the first place! You must stop sometime, so you will generate some. Any time you use the brakes verses letting the car slow you down, you're wasting energy as well.
IOW, regen is a method to recoup some of the energy used to make the car move when you then need to slow down...ideally, you maintain a steady pace, and there's almost none that can be recouped.