Hello all, been a lurker now an owner and have a question regarding the rex that possibly has been rehashed a thousand times on here so dont flame me too hard, i work and live in San Diego M-F,my commute to and from the office is 8 miles total,I've ridden my MTB to work but during summer months im pouring sweat on arrival to the office and thats not ideal,I even rented an electric scooter but carrying my stuff is too cumbersome not to mention i almost got taken out on three different occasions by distracted drivers ,so enter my new to me I3, my main residence is in North OC, so im driving 170ish miles round trip 4 times a month, i just did the drive for the first time friday night on a full charge and full rex, to my surprise i started in on the rex 50 some miles into my 87 mile journey,granted, there is consistent hills involved on my drive and i was coasting for some recharge but nevertheless i even encountered the "low power possible"message at one point. Is this something to expect or is it my driving the car differently than it was intended?sorry in advance for my detailed story !thnx in advance